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Avoid outbursts or random panning?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:48 pm
by dugawug
well, now that my E4 is up and running, i'm trying to choose which OS i will use. 4.7 or 4.61.

first off, if i'm running all mono outputs, the "random panning" bug couldn't effect me, right? or could it pan hard right and leave me silent occasionally? maybe a dumb question, but i'm not sure.

but what about 4.7's "outbursts" bug? does anyone have any info on if it's possible to run 4.7 and knowingly avoid it? doesn't it happen under just the 4/6 pole low pass filters? can i avoid it simply by just using the 2 pole lp? also, when it happens, does it kind of happen randomly or does it happen as soon as you do whatever triggers it?
any info is appreciated...i'll be playing live so i have to be 100% sure an "outburst" NEVER happens. i'd like to use 4.7 still though...i want it all, i know.

OH, and don't forget to write EMU with requests of a new EOS that is without these bugs! so far they have no plans to! see major thread:

write them here TODAY:

Re: Avoid outbursts or random panning?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:38 pm
by illinformed
dugawug wrote:hello,
well, now that my E4 is up and running, i'm trying to choose which OS i will use. 4.7 or 4.61

I can't vouch for the burst problem at the moment because I'm predominantely using the 2 main outs. The panning problem was identical in both 4.61 and 4.7.

dugawug wrote:hello,
well, now that my E4 is up and running, i'm trying to choose which OS i will use. 4.7 or 4.61.

first off, if i'm running all mono outputs, the "random panning" bug couldn't effect me, right? or could it pan hard right and leave me silent occasionally? maybe a dumb question, but i'm not sure

Not a dumb question at all. You will not experience random panning however you will find that the beginning of samples may be chopped off the front, more noticeable on short percussive sounds. When the panning bug was discussed on the emusaic list in depth, someone posted a picture of the panning problem. It turned out that it wasn't that one side completely silent, it's just that both sides were not in line/phase with each other - very strange because these were mono samples. Even more strange that someone posted that they had stopped this problem by making mono samples stereo - maybe this would give the programmers an idea as to where the problem lies.

4.7 was a no go for me

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:44 pm
by automatikal
yes yes yes, i know the horror of the outburst bug + wanting it all.

I have a platinum and was unable to do to stop the outburst problem in 4.7 so i switched back to 4.6 and havent had any deafning emu fits since.

Id say run 4.7 for a little while and see what happens, if its fucked then go back to 4.6.

If you do install 4.7 and have the outburst bug DO NOT for the love of god use 4.7 live.

It is a tragedy that such a $$$ sampler runs on such a cheap OS.

Re: Avoid outbursts or random panning?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:09 am
by dugawug
illinformed wrote:I can't vouch for the burst problem at the moment because I'm predominantely using the 2 main outs.

so you're saying outbursts never happen on the main outs?

illinformed wrote:You will not experience random panning however you will find that the beginning of samples may be chopped off the front, more noticeable on short percussive sounds.

ah shit, i'm using my E4 ONLY for drum sounds ;) how u like that? so i may have fucked up sounding drums? is random panning known to only happen on certain output channels or is it in any other way avoidable?

illinformed wrote:Even more strange that someone posted that they had stopped this problem by making mono samples stereo - maybe this would give the programmers an idea as to where the problem lies.

really? so i could fix the problem by batch processing all my mono drum samples into stereo? end of story?

Re: Avoid outbursts or random panning?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 12:30 am
by illinformed
so you're saying outbursts never happen on the main outs?

I suddenly realised that may have been a sweeping statement. I haven't noticed the problem yet but I thought I heard somewhere it only occured on a specific Sub output - or was that a dream :grin:. Recently, I've only been using effects on Sub1 and Sub2 at max.

is random panning known to only happen on certain output channels or is it in any other way avoidable?

Can't answer that. I'll plug a few more leads in and experiment a bit.

so i could fix the problem by batch processing all my mono drum samples into stereo? end of story?

I've honestly not tried it yet so I can't comment. My problem is that most of my banks are more than 64 meg so doubling everything isn't going to be any use to me.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2004 6:00 pm
by sampleandhold
so if you have either of those eos's and you experiance that panning bug, you have to convert your mono samples to stereo.

do you know how bad that sounds to breaks. I typically convert my breaks to mono so i can chop them up easier, then leave them mono. i took an amen and converted it back to stereo and the break sounded terrible. it had a kind of buzz to it from the second image the emu placed on the original. I heared that when you convert something back to stereo it takes the image and puts another one a few ms after it. it just doesn't sound good for me.

i would really like to upgrade to 4.61 at least but if there are all these issues and you have to do this kind of thing to avoid it (converting back to stereo and losing sound q) then it makes me not want to try. I just wish 4.01 had a real time q... that is all i want.

maybe i will buy a six pole lfp box from big briar and look into some of there high pass filters too, then use those to do some of the q that i can't on my synth sounds. moog and emu filters....