Laundry list of e6400 Ultra questions from a new EMU owner

I had an e6400 Ultra for several years and never truly learned enough about it, sold it a few years ago, and recently bought another one with the intention of really learning how to utilize it. The price, opportunity to buy it, and the resources on the web to learn how to use it seemed too good to pass up. So here I am, after lurking a little when this forum first started, then taking a long break from production in general, to renewed interest.
Currently I am running Logic Pro 8 on an older G5, with just a first-gen M-Audio Axiom 25 for my MIDI trigger, and now I have an EMU again. For the past two years I have just used the M-Audio with internal Logic instruments, and I need guidance on how to integrate the EMU in to my set up. This is my list of questions & issues:
Thanks! Sorry again if these are all basic knowledge questions. Hopefully some people here can share what they know, and help me get moving on relearning this thing.
Currently I am running Logic Pro 8 on an older G5, with just a first-gen M-Audio Axiom 25 for my MIDI trigger, and now I have an EMU again. For the past two years I have just used the M-Audio with internal Logic instruments, and I need guidance on how to integrate the EMU in to my set up. This is my list of questions & issues:
- Last night I was able to reprogram the Axiom knobs to match up with MIDI A through H in the EMU. However, I do not know how to set up Logic and EMU so that I can record MIDI notes and trigger the EMU from Logic. I can load up a preset, play the Axiom and get sound, plus the pitch & mod wheels, and the 8 knobs that I just reprogrammed will transmit information (e.g. On the Cords menu setting MIDI A to control FilFreq works), but in Logic if I create an external MIDI channel in the arrange page and try triggering from the key roll screen, no sound. If I draw in MIDI notes, again no sound from the EMU. This might be a Logic AND EMU issue, or just one of them. Sorry if this is basic rudimentary knowledge, I have been so used to nearly total plug & play with soft synths for the past couple of years. Also, if there is anything else I should set up on the Axiom, please suggest.
- The current EOS on the EMU is 4.02 (I think?). Should I upgrade this to 4.7, and if so, can I just jump straight from 4.02 to 4.7, or do I have to do each EOS upgrade up to 4.7?
- Is there a way to view the EMU sample CDs on my Mac, or do I need to invest in a SCSI CD-ROM to use them?
- The Z-Plane filters are just the Dual EQ Morph, 2EQ + Lowpass Morph, 2EQ Morph + Expression and the Peak/Shelf Morph filters, correct? What controls the morph from the first filter parameter to the second? Is that Q/resonance? Do I set a cord to control FilRes in order to go from the first filter parameter to the second? Or does the Morph aspect happen on its own and is dependent on the value I assign to it (from 0 to 255?). I guess part of this learning curve for me is figuring this out, looking at page 345 in the EOS 4.0 manual seems to be what I should be reading to figure this out.
- Is there a formula (or easier way) to calculate what an LFO rate should be when recording for a particular tempo? Say I’m working at 130 BPM and I want the LFO modulating similar to 1/4 if I was working in Logic with the EXS24 and the LFO there was sync’d to the track tempo. What would I set the LFO rate in the EMU to be? Do I just set the tempo in the sequencer in the EMU, and it should sync up? Or do I need a word clock (is that the right thing)? Last night I did mess with the Cords menus and saw the Clock Divisors (quarter, eighth, 16th, etc.) in the sources section, and it was tied to the EMU’s tempo.
- Searching through the forum, I saw Fracture (whose youtube video with Neptune was part of the influence in me picking up an EMU again) was experiencing an issue with the start point in some of the sample edit features: I experienced this same issue last night, when I checked out the gain function. What causes this, how do I correct it, and/or would it go away if I upgraded the EOS?
- How do I resample in the EMU? Is it really as simple as page 180 in the manual states? Just go to record/create a new sample, change the source to what? I’m at work at the moment, so I can’t exactly see what the different source options are. Also, I feel like I read on here or somewhere else that I need to turn off monitoring when I resample in the EMU. Is that correct? If so, is that done on the same screen? And with resampling, could I play out a sequence with Logic, modulating the filters, and the EMU would record that?
- Any major resources I should get? I saw something about a Mac program to create patches for the EMU. I have OS 10.5.8, if that helps. Would I just create the patch on the Mac, save it to a Zip disk and then open it using the SCSI Zip drive hooked up to my EMU? Also and really good videos or tutorials I should check out?
Thanks! Sorry again if these are all basic knowledge questions. Hopefully some people here can share what they know, and help me get moving on relearning this thing.