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Can't edit samples???

Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:14 pm
by Deceptive
Hi all,
Well I have the most annoying problem. When I try and edit my samples the start point jumps to the end of the sample and won't let me use the wheel to move the start point back it just doesn't move it so that the start and end points are together. The wheel doesn't move the start point at all?????
Anyone who can help please do it's driving me mad!!!!

Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:20 pm
by ezman
Will it let you do it manually? Have you tried another sample. Samples seem to own certain problems sometimes....

Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:33 pm
by Deceptive
Mate it won't let me edit any samples that I have on the sampler it driving me insane.....Any ideas??

Thu Jan 01, 2004 8:25 pm
by sampleandhold
how big is your sample? the emu sampler has a limit of how small a cut you can do, you can never put the start and stop at the exact sample sample, they are usually 9 samples off.
do you have the "fix" box checked? if so, you can't move your start or end points anywhere because they will move in unison. providing that the start and stop points are at the start and end of the sample. but you say they are together so maybe this could be it...
you are using the start value to scroll right? not size. perhaps what has happened is that some how you have made the size really small, and some how get the fix box checked or something. this will make it appear that you have your start and stop at the same place.
i am just trying to through some ideas out. Hopefully something will make you go "oh, I get it"
I have strange things like this happen too. but what mine does is as i move the start point, it will go so far then stop and then start over. i believe i have found that by either zooming in or out will correct this problem.
hope this helps out.

Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:33 pm
by Deceptive
Thanks mate for the reply but it is none of those things....I just can't figure it out....I did here something about the modulation or pitch wheel having something to do with it??
It's just very frustrating for this to happen as U can't edit the samples at all!
Anymore ideas??

Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:27 pm
by ezman
send your samples or load them up. Then disconnect midi cables from back of sampler. Try edit a sample. This will ensure there's no odd midi data getting sent to the EMU, or at least eliminate it as a possibility

Thu Jan 01, 2004 11:39 pm
by Deceptive
i'LL give that one a try mate cheers!
Re: Can't edit samples???

Fri Jan 02, 2004 5:46 am
by drayon
Deceptive wrote:Hi all,
Well I have the most annoying problem. When I try and edit my samples the start point jumps to the end of the sample and won't let me use the wheel to move the start point back it just doesn't move it so that the start and end points are together. The wheel doesn't move the start point at all?????
You are moving the 'Pitch Wheel' right not the modwheel?? The modwheel does NOT function in the sample editor...surely u know this??So if u are using the pitch wheel then does the 'Pitch Wheel' become active as in preset editor to manipulate the pitch? If not then perhaps the pitch wheel is not set to the correct controller in the Master/Midi Controllers 1 section? 'Pitch Wheel' should be set to 'ptwheel' . Investigate this possibility if u haven't.
U said the 'wheel' doesn't move the start point ,again it must be the 'Pitch Wheel' since it acts like a scrub function...that is pull the pitch wheel down slowly an the scrub backwards into the audio region very slowely and at a low pitch. i presume your EMU is in one of the Sample Edit Tools pages such as 'Truncate'? Can't u move the cursor to highlight the 'Start Point' field then use the keypad to type '0' then press the 'Set Button' to send the start point the the start of the region?
The samples u have been using, were they Xfer'd to the EMU via SCSI or recorded via the analog inputs? If the former, what software did u use to send the region? Does it have a function where the software sets up the loop and Xfer'd it to the EMU. Perhaps this is one aspect to investigate. Go the the 'Loop' page in sample editor an turn loop 'OFF'. Additionally, how many samples in each of the regions that your are using? Did u try to erase the bank then turn the machine off then on again, record new samples and test it out?

Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:25 pm
by Deceptive
Taking the midi cable made no difference??
Anymore help...It's truly doing my head in!
Re: Can't edit samples???

Fri Jan 02, 2004 1:27 pm
by Deceptive
You are moving the 'Pitch Wheel' right not the modwheel?? The modwheel does NOT function in the sample editor...surely u know this??So if u are using the pitch wheel then does the 'Pitch Wheel' become active as in preset editor to manipulate the pitch? If not then perhaps the pitch wheel is not set to the correct controller in the Master/Midi Controllers 1 section? 'Pitch Wheel' should be set to 'ptwheel' . Investigate this possibility if u haven't.
U said the 'wheel' doesn't move the start point ,again it must be the 'Pitch Wheel' since it acts like a scrub function...that is pull the pitch wheel down slowly an the scrub backwards into the audio region very slowely and at a low pitch. i presume your EMU is in one of the Sample Edit Tools pages such as 'Truncate'? Can't u move the cursor to highlight the 'Start Point' field then use the keypad to type '0' then press the 'Set Button' to send the start point the the start of the region?
The samples u have been using, were they Xfer'd to the EMU via SCSI or recorded via the analog inputs? If the former, what software did u use to send the region? Does it have a function where the software sets up the loop and Xfer'd it to the EMU. Perhaps this is one aspect to investigate. Go the the 'Loop' page in sample editor an turn loop 'OFF'. Additionally, how many samples in each of the regions that your are using? Did u try to erase the bank then turn the machine off then on again, record new samples and test it out?[/quote]
Thanks for the response all made no difference...It's nothing simple as far as I know! I have been using my E4XT EOS 4.70 for about 3 years so I know my stuff!
Re: Can't edit samples???

Fri Jan 02, 2004 2:54 pm
by drayon
Thanks for the response all made no difference...It's nothing simple as far as I know! I have been using my E4XT EOS 4.70 for about 3 years so I know my stuff!
Well perhaps u should have made a point to tell us your level of proficiency instead of asking questions that gave very few details of the exact situation and the procedures you followed in your troubleshooting during the course of elimination. This would have save me a shitload of time with a bigassed reply that was totally useless to you!!!!
Anyway's you still haven't bothered to answer our questions and totally failed to gives us more details so i can't offer u any more help.
Ezman , im not sure i understand correctly when u suggested to pull the midi cables from the back of the sampler. I can't see that this is going to help in any way since the master controller can't send midi data to the EMU when moving the pitch wheel...thats not gonna help 1 bit as far as i can see.
Maybe he should go to Master/Midi/Controls 1 and change the 'Pitch Wheel Control' from 'ptwheel' to 'cc1' and go back to the sample editor an use the 'Mod Wheel' since it has take up the control of the pitch wheel. He never bothered to tell us if the pitchwheel was still functioning in the preset editor or not.
Re: Can't edit samples???

Fri Jan 02, 2004 3:25 pm
by Deceptive
drayon wrote: Thanks for the response all made no difference...It's nothing simple as far as I know! I have been using my E4XT EOS 4.70 for about 3 years so I know my stuff!
Well perhaps u should have made a point to tell us your level of proficiency instead of asking questions that gave very few details of the exact situation and the procedures you followed in your troubleshooting during the course of elimination. This would have save me a shitload of time with a bigassed reply that was totally useless to you!!!!
Anyway's you still haven't bothered to answer our questions and totally failed to gives us more details so i can't offer u any more help.
Ezman , im not sure i understand correctly when u suggested to pull the midi cables from the back of the sampler. I can't see that this is going to help in any way since the master controller can't send midi data to the EMU when moving the pitch wheel...thats not gonna help 1 bit as far as i can see.
Maybe he should go to Master/Midi/Controls 1 and change the 'Pitch Wheel Control' from 'ptwheel' to 'cc1' and go back to the sample editor an use the 'Mod Wheel' since it has take up the control of the pitch wheel. He never bothered to tell us if the pitchwheel was still functioning in the preset editor or not.
My ignorance is clearly an annoyance, my appologies!
Thanks for your reply anyways and your make a valid point about posting my current situation before I ask for help! I'll try what you suggested and get back to you on that.....
Re: Can't edit samples???

Fri Jan 02, 2004 6:23 pm
by ezman
drayon wrote: Thanks for the response all made no difference...It's nothing simple as far as I know! I have been using my E4XT EOS 4.70 for about 3 years so I know my stuff!
Ezman , im not sure i understand correctly when u suggested to pull the midi cables from the back of the sampler. I can't see that this is going to help in any way since the master controller can't send midi data to the EMU when moving the pitch wheel...thats not gonna help 1 bit as far as i can see.
Wait a mo', maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but isn't the master controller sending midi data when moving the pitch wheel?
Re: Can't edit samples???

Sat Jan 03, 2004 2:01 am
by drayon
Wait a mo', maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree but isn't the master controller sending midi data when moving the pitch wheel?
yes thats rite if is IF the midi cables from the master are connected to the EMU. Disconnecting them like u suggested is going to terminate ALL data transfers and thus the EMU cannot respond to any thing.

Sat Jan 03, 2004 12:06 pm
by Deceptive
Right I did some fiddling and started a new tune within the Emu. For some reason I was able to edit samples on my new track but not on my old track??? I'll see what setting are different between the two and hopefully this will be the key to an answer.
Well I see if I can do some working around and come up with a new solution as it could help someone out in the future! It must be some sort of EOS bug!
Thanks to all who provided help!