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E5000 EOS v4.10a upgrade to v4.70 how do???

PostPosted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:14 pm
by yello
I have an E5000 Ultra that had EOS v4.10a.
Now I will make a update to EOS v4.7 but with the EOS Upgrade discriptsion in *** EOS Upgrading *** PLEASE STICKY Topic it does't work !!!!!
I have following different:
1. The Flashprep file-name witch I can download by emusonacid is FLPREP10.exe (not flashprep.exe) !!!!! Is this the right File ?
2. The EOS V4.7 file witch I can download by emusonacid ist not a .exe file !!!!! It is eos_470.dli ??? Is this also the right file ?

I make the procedur with Flashprep to generate the Floppy-Disk und copy the eos_470.dli to another floppy-disk (Formated in the CMD DOS-Windows under Windows-XP)
But the E5000 can not read (or startup) the floppy-disk !!!

When I do format the floppy-Disk with E5000 the the Windows XP (DOS-Prompt) can not read the Floppy-Disk !!

Can anyone help me for EOS-Update (v4.10a to v4.70)

Thanks a lot for all inputs

Re: E5000 EOS v4.10a upgrade to v4.70 how do???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:58 pm