I'm trying upgrade to EOS 4.6 or EOS 4.7. I have found all the downloads I was looking however, my E4XT ULTRA simply does not recognize any of the files I'm creating. The process I use to create the 3.5 is as such: I download the EOS from Creative or emusoncid to a Mac running OSX, then copy and burn to CD, then remove the CD and insert into another computer running Mac classic. From there I copy it to 3.5.floppy. Then insert in the E4. I have tried formatting the floppy's as Mac and DOS and tried all the downloads 3.1 4.1 4.6 4.7 Flash Prep all combinations. To make sure the drive on the E4 was working I reinstalled the EOS 4.1 that came with the sampler when I bought it and the installation went off just like it says in the manual. How can I get a copy of EOS 4.6 or 4.7 into my sample.Where am I going wrong? Thank You