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PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:44 pm
by timhellane
I'm trying upgrade to EOS 4.6 or EOS 4.7. I have found all the downloads I was looking however, my E4XT ULTRA simply does not recognize any of the files I'm creating. The process I use to create the 3.5 is as such: I download the EOS from Creative or emusoncid to a Mac running OSX, then copy and burn to CD, then remove the CD and insert into another computer running Mac classic. From there I copy it to 3.5.floppy. Then insert in the E4. I have tried formatting the floppy's as Mac and DOS and tried all the downloads 3.1 4.1 4.6 4.7 Flash Prep all combinations. To make sure the drive on the E4 was working I reinstalled the EOS 4.1 that came with the sampler when I bought it and the installation went off just like it says in the manual. How can I get a copy of EOS 4.6 or 4.7 into my sample.Where am I going wrong? Thank You


PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:33 pm
by Rascal Revenge
But you executed the .exe-file(s), i.e. clicked on them ? It will then prompt you to insert a formatted floppy in drive:A (on a PC) and extract the Prep and/or EOS to floppy-disk, guess it's the same procedure with Mac. EOS 4.0 through 4.10 need flash-prep if I'm not mistaken. If you did all right insert prep-disk first, after it prepared sampler (i.e its Flash that contains EOS) to handle compressed files -that's what the Prep disk is for - it'll ask you to insert EOS 4.61 or 4.70, saying that it found EOS bla and if you want to save that EOS to flash, should all go its way. SHOULD. Yes ?


PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:14 pm
by timhellane
Thank you for responding. When I click on the .exe-file in OSX all I get is text code. No prompting. When I do it in Classic it says "application program that created it could not be found".


PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:43 am
by MFPhouse
timhellane wrote:... From there I copy it to 3.5.floppy....

you can´t copy the files to the Floppy - you can, but it´s bullshit.

You have to prepare a EOS Floppy on a PC with this Files.
I am not shure but a still remembered that this preparing didn´t work on a mac, not even with a floppy drive.

Some ( Win-sys ) prepared it just via doubleclick . Other /later Sys via Disk Image.

But we have this Thema already in the Forum , just "Search."


PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:33 am
by Rascal Revenge
Can't help further since it's Mac, but this seller on ebay offers both PREP and EOS floppies, think I saw both 4.61 and 4.70, think the right PREP is the one named just EMU EOS Flashprep, as he added "for EMU CLASSIC Samplers" for the other Prep-disk. Just an idea, suspected these working saves you further "trouble", and lifetime. ;)


PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:48 am
by timhellane
Thanks for the ebay link. Bought them strait away. I spent days trying to figure this thing out. Looking forward to hearing what the RFX-32 sounds like now. Thanks to all for your feedback!


PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:47 pm
by toneburst
Interested to know how your upgrade went. I bought Flashprep and EOS 4.62 floppies from a guy on eBay and upgraded my EIV Classic. After the upgrade, the internal SCSI appears to have become corrupted. It mounts (although at first after the update, it didn't), but it shows up as having no data on it. Fortunately, it didn't had any of my own data on it before, but there were some nice sound-libraries I'm a bit miffed I've now apparently lost!
Hope you haven't had similar problems.



PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 2:52 pm
by Niklas
Ok, to upgrade the EOS can be a scourge.
EOS 4.7 and flash prep that works can be found at:

1) To upgrade, you must have a FAT formatted disk.
Ideally, you should format the disk ethylene in your E-mu sampler. The next best is to format the disk in your computer.
If you format the disk in your computer, the installation often fails. Anyway it does not matter because it can be fix later, see section 5.

2) Insert dkisketten in your computer and double click on eos470.exe
When the program asks the destination, specify the target of your disk drive, generally A
EOS4.7 copied to your floppy.

3) move the diskette to your E-mu.

4) Start your E-mu sampler
Press Enter (yes) to install EOS4.7, when it asks whether to install the EOS.

5) After installation, it asks if it is to burn the EOS to FLASH. Press yes.
This applies even if the installation has failed, because you can do the complete installation in the same way and have the ability to FAT-formatted floppy disk from your E-mu.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 4:35 pm
by Rascal Revenge
Guess toneburst did it right. Say toneburst, did you initialize the EEprom and recalibrate after, as it was suggested by E-mu (think it's also described in the EOS-manual) ? M A Y B E this helps seeing the HD correct if you do, even now. Worth a try.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:50 pm
by toneburst
Hi Rascal Revenge. Nope, I didn't do either of those things. Maybe I'll give it a go when I get home.
Thanks for the tips!
