anyone else have this problem with their ultra's?

i have an e4xt ultra with an rfx32 card and 8 analog output expander and ever since i installed the rfx and 8 analog output card it does this fucked up thing now where it will make sound, then abruptly stop making sound (hit keys, midi light flashes, no sound comes out) then it will produce nothing but static and shrill noises when you hit keys. yet, turn it off for a while and come back to it and it will sound fine for a little while. tends to happen whenever i get more than 1 channel going at a time. this of course is unacceptable and i was wondering if anyone else had this same problem.
i contacted emu about it as my rfx card came with a warning that some of the older ultras like ones made before 2001 (which mine was) have an inadiquate power supply and that they'd replace it at no cost to the owner at an authorized service center, nearest one is 5 hours from me so i'd have to mail it and they won't pay for that, then they also informed me that because my sampler was older than 2001 it was no under warrenty, effectively negating their offer to replace the power supplies in units older than 2001. then while wrestling with them about this over the phone they said that if the power supply was bad it wouldn't power up at all thus my problem with it sporadicly not making sound was not the power supply but rather something else and that if it was rfx related (as that was newly purchased and thus still under warrenty) they'd cover it (minus the expensive shipping cost of course) and if not i'd have to pick up the tab for why the fuck my sampler is no longer working now that i put this expensive ass new card in it. when i bought this sampler years ago i had money (and a job) and now i don't (and am unemployed) so needless to say i'm rather sweating being about to afford to get my sampler fixed, but as it is pretty much my only sound source and i already invested a lot of money in it i don't want it to just sit there being useless either, and until they make a mac version of emulator x i'm sticking with my e4xt (especially since i just bought the rfx). so any information anyone may have as to what might cause this would be most helpful to me. thanks.
i contacted emu about it as my rfx card came with a warning that some of the older ultras like ones made before 2001 (which mine was) have an inadiquate power supply and that they'd replace it at no cost to the owner at an authorized service center, nearest one is 5 hours from me so i'd have to mail it and they won't pay for that, then they also informed me that because my sampler was older than 2001 it was no under warrenty, effectively negating their offer to replace the power supplies in units older than 2001. then while wrestling with them about this over the phone they said that if the power supply was bad it wouldn't power up at all thus my problem with it sporadicly not making sound was not the power supply but rather something else and that if it was rfx related (as that was newly purchased and thus still under warrenty) they'd cover it (minus the expensive shipping cost of course) and if not i'd have to pick up the tab for why the fuck my sampler is no longer working now that i put this expensive ass new card in it. when i bought this sampler years ago i had money (and a job) and now i don't (and am unemployed) so needless to say i'm rather sweating being about to afford to get my sampler fixed, but as it is pretty much my only sound source and i already invested a lot of money in it i don't want it to just sit there being useless either, and until they make a mac version of emulator x i'm sticking with my e4xt (especially since i just bought the rfx). so any information anyone may have as to what might cause this would be most helpful to me. thanks.