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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:04 am
by division2000

i got several talks with EMU support...what they told me is that over the various forums there is a lot of people complaining about RFX...[as we know]

yet, they only received 5-6 posts with DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A PROBLEM and ANSWERS ON THEIR QUESTIONS...

COMMENTS? :shock:


PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:49 pm
by illinformed
Well I've had no replies from my emails yet, probably cos I'm no longer under any warranty :(

To rub things in further, did you see this reply from emu that someone quoted on the emusiac list.

George Kondos of E-MU support:

The problems with the RFX cards have not been solved yet and the EOS 4.71will not correct the random panning.

So as of yet, if you purchased the RFX card there is no fix for the problems that might occur.

This to me means they're officially aware.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 7:05 pm
by division2000

can u please trace the person that got this reply...i need original reply very much...



Customer RFX Problem Details to date

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 5:43 pm
by Dave Anderson
Hi all,

Just to update, the situation as referred to by d2k is correct. Following my previous post on this forum under the main RFX-issue thread, there have been 6 people in total from Europe enquiring about this problem.

Of those 6, all have been directly asked for the specific details that I requested (and posted here). To date, only 4 of those people have replied with the details requested (d2k - you are one of those four). If there are more people out there that have these problems and are prepared to provide us with details to help us search for them, then I'd be very very happy to hear from them, at

