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Loads SCSI zip, gets stuck mounting IDE drive

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:06 pm
by ra coon
I havnt touched my E5000 in a while and it used to be fine mounting an Iomega 100 Zip drive , now it still runs thru and passes all the SCSI numbers 1-7 , but gets stuck saying 'mounting IDE drive' , I dont even have an IDE in it .

I start without the Zip and it goes right through without getting stuck. I thought it was a faulty Zip , but have tried it with 2 different zip drives and the same thing happens.

Anyone know anything about this problem ?

Re: Loads SCSI zip, gets stuck mounting IDE drive

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 4:16 pm
by mosrob
Hi ra coon,

the ZIP-drive is a SCSI ZIP-drive or an ATAPI ZIP-drive?
- Is it an internal drive, built into your E5000 or is it an external drive?

If it's a SCSI ZIP-drive:
- What is the SCSI-ID of the drive?
- Is termination on or off?

Gets the boot-process stuck with or without a ZIP-disc in the drive?

If the ZIP-drive is an internal drive and is a SCSI ZIP-drive:
- What happened to the floppy-drive?

When the floppy-drive is removed:
- Are Pin 33 & 34 of the floppy-socket shortened with a jumper?
If the floppy-drive is removed and the jumper is not set, then the boot-process will take very long as EOS is waiting for the floppy-drive to be ready (->"RDY" signal).

Re: Loads SCSI zip, gets stuck mounting IDE drive

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:53 pm
by ra coon
Hi thanks for your help .

It's a blue plastic Iomega 100 SCSI external zip without any ID switches

Now after messing around a little , I don't know what I did , but it doesn't get stuck , but still doesn't recognize the ZIP .

I have the ID on the Emu set to 5 , termination 'ON'

Re: Loads SCSI zip, gets stuck mounting IDE drive

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:20 pm
ra coon wrote:It's a blue plastic Iomega 100 SCSI external zip without any ID switches'

I think you will find that it is a parallel drive!
As far as I'm aware all SCSI drives have the ID and termination on/off selectors on the back.
The parallel connectors look the same as the SCSI ones.
No wonder you can't get the Emu to recognise it and it causes a OS loading hang.

Re: Loads SCSI zip, gets stuck mounting IDE drive

PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:38 pm
by ra coon
Thanks . Yep , I have the wrong type. Bollocks !