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note stealing problem

Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:24 pm
by geode
I'm experiencing a note stealing problem with my e6400 ultra. when playing a few notes rapidly with a longish decay the sampler is cutting off (seemingly randomly) other notes. When I look in channel volume I can see it in action, there are plenty of spaces left but the sampler is choosing to overwrite some notes already playing, is there any way round this? I have the 128 voice upgrade so really don't think this should be happening. Admitedly I am triggering two stereo voices at a time so using up 4 notes of the polyphony every time a key is pressed but still don't think I should be getting this problem. Anyone got any ideas?
I'm using EOS 4.7 by the way.

Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:16 pm
by ezman
It's probably a long shot but if you check in Preset Edit > Voices >Tuning > Next > Next > AssignGroup: Make sure it is set to PolyAll. I imported some akai samples and they were all set to mono groups.

Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:51 pm
by geode
Thanks, it's not that though. According to the manual voices will be dynamically reallocated when the level goes below a certain threshold, but it doesn't say what that threshold is. This could be the problem I think. Perhaps voices are being reallocated even though there is still an audible sound, but below whatever the threshold is. Do you know the diagnostics menu password? It occured to me that there might be a setting on here. I can't find one anywhere else.

Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:36 pm
by ezman
i think the password is 1358. does this happen with just your current bank or is it just with this one?

Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:22 am
by illinformed
Also what is the exact value of the decay and how long is it before the next note is being played?

Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:58 pm
by geode
Thanks for your responses. I'm going away for the weekend but will post when I get back.

Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:28 am
by sampleandhold
i have this problem as well with my 5000. since i make my own patches, those can range from 2 to 8 voices at a time, i find that when i have alot going on at once, voices will drop out. kind of like polyphony drop out. when the voice count exceeds the amount you can play at once. i kind of think there is something more to this. i think the amount of out put can cause this to happen too. but i am not sure. i have read something in the manual about it, but i probably misunderstood it. typical of that manual.
i doubt doing a diagnosis will help much either. what i think might be happening is your decay is causing the sampler's process to drop stuff. i guess the emu can only have a second or so to create the delays with the envelopes and perhaps with all the delays playing over the top of the new triggered notes and then playing over the delays is making the processor say "fuck it, i can't take it anymore" and drops a note.
i would like to see what happens if you play the section you are having issues with without the delays and see what happens. i almost bet the sequence will play normally. if this is the case then you know it is because of the delay, but if not then i am kind of at a lost. 128 voice poly, geez you shouldn't even be coming close to that.
the emu seems to do that, when it gets over loaded it drops stuff. i have come to the conclusion that this is what is happening when i lose my keyboard on that thing. i think i start having drop outs at about 30 or so polyphony, i think, and i should have 64. go figure.
maybe mess with the head room. don't see why this would effect anything, but you never know.
tell us what you find out.