Eeeek! Help!!

my system
self-build DAW PC
MOTU Midi Express Parallel
ST Audio DSP2000 10/10 soundcard
E-MU E6400 Ultra fully loaded w/ int IDE HD (self-fitted)
Obie 6r
various outboard fx, none midi'd up
only using midi to connect to EMU, no SCSI at all.
Please read the whole thing, the bizzarre EMU stuff is at the bottom!
Something very weird happened in my studio last night. I was making a tune, with a few softsynths, some patches from my JV2080 and no patches loaded on my EMU. a mate came round who I've been doing some tunes with so I closed the tune I was working on, opened his tune. Loaded the patch from the internal HD on the EMU, pressed play and the whole thing monged out badly. I got a BSOD on my PC and the soudcard emitted a loud continual buzzing noise. The stop error on the PC noted MotuMidi.sys at the bottom, so just to be on the safe side, I uninstalled both the midi interface and the soundcard and reinstalled them. The same thing happened. I slept on it. Came to load my tune, which had been fine before all of this happened and it went mental again. Another BSOD and this time a stop error saying DRIVER_CORRUPT_MMPOOL
Anyway, this was too much. I always keep a regular disk image of my system handy for this kind of thing, so I loaded it. Rebooted everything. Now the PC seems to be fine. I haven't loaded my mates tune and I'm not going to. Mine works ok. Now the weird bit. My EMU no longer sees it's internal IDE HDD. Nada. Just the floppy. It worked at 2100 last night coz I loaded patches off it. Now nothing. I fitted it myself months ago and it's worked fine since. Help!!!
any ideas are welcome, I have 20Gb of stuff on there!
self-build DAW PC
MOTU Midi Express Parallel
ST Audio DSP2000 10/10 soundcard
E-MU E6400 Ultra fully loaded w/ int IDE HD (self-fitted)
Obie 6r
various outboard fx, none midi'd up
only using midi to connect to EMU, no SCSI at all.
Please read the whole thing, the bizzarre EMU stuff is at the bottom!
Something very weird happened in my studio last night. I was making a tune, with a few softsynths, some patches from my JV2080 and no patches loaded on my EMU. a mate came round who I've been doing some tunes with so I closed the tune I was working on, opened his tune. Loaded the patch from the internal HD on the EMU, pressed play and the whole thing monged out badly. I got a BSOD on my PC and the soudcard emitted a loud continual buzzing noise. The stop error on the PC noted MotuMidi.sys at the bottom, so just to be on the safe side, I uninstalled both the midi interface and the soundcard and reinstalled them. The same thing happened. I slept on it. Came to load my tune, which had been fine before all of this happened and it went mental again. Another BSOD and this time a stop error saying DRIVER_CORRUPT_MMPOOL
Anyway, this was too much. I always keep a regular disk image of my system handy for this kind of thing, so I loaded it. Rebooted everything. Now the PC seems to be fine. I haven't loaded my mates tune and I'm not going to. Mine works ok. Now the weird bit. My EMU no longer sees it's internal IDE HDD. Nada. Just the floppy. It worked at 2100 last night coz I loaded patches off it. Now nothing. I fitted it myself months ago and it's worked fine since. Help!!!
any ideas are welcome, I have 20Gb of stuff on there!