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dual morph filter paramater query..

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 10:47 pm
by to_daimonion
i recently started to mess around a bit with the morph filters, and i found something i thought i'd run by you guys to make sure im not on the wrong track. it seems like the first EQ's frequency is controlled by Low-->Low, and likewise the second EQ's frequency is High-->High, rather than being as they appear on screen...this might help...

Code: Select all
EQ1       EQ2
Low (A)   Low (B)
High (C)  High (D)
Peak +0   Peak +0

So for EQ1, the frequency that it's peak will cut/gain is between (A) and (B), and for EQ2 it is between (C) and (D)?? that seems odd, but when i have morph on 0, chancing High (C) does nothing although one would think it increases/decreases the high end of the EQ1's i just confusing myself?!?


PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:52 am
by sampleandhold
i wonder if we can liken this particular filter to a real time 2 band parametric eq? my understanding of the z plane filters is this; the two sections are morphing points and when you move your cc it goes from one section to the other. so if you set the first section of the filter with a low of 500 and a high 1400, with a peak of six db, then the second section of the filter you set a low of 1400 and the high at 5000 and notch of -6 db, at a cc controller of 0 you hear the first section, and as you move the cc over you hear the two sections at once and then at the top of the cc you hear the second frame.

at least this is how i understand. I hope it made sense and i hope i am right. if not, some one feel free to correct me.