sweet automatikal...your info helps a lot!
strange, so that makes it sound like it's not necessarily in EOS, like maybe hardware related, otherwise, wouldn't every 4.7 user get it?
(on a side note, i just found out that bunk Flash RAM came in 2 of my units and caused terribly frequent freezing in 4.7 but less in 4.61 (but only w/ RFX installed?)...point being, it's sometimes hard to tell where these problems are really coming from i guess.)
thanks, super critical info...but for me, i'm using my E4 just as a sound source for a midi drum kit...so i never deal w/ songs, more than one midi channel, etc. i wonder if my odds will be better or worse?
Hell yeah it is! I didn't buy my E4 to deal w/ it's bugs! I think if we all keep pushing, nicely, it eventually will happen. me, i'm gonna write them once a week to ask..."hey, i still got problems...any date for that new OS"? we'll see how many of these they can handle till they go fucking nuts and do something.
automatikal wrote:1) not everyone who uses 4.7 has the problem and it seems kind of rare.
strange, so that makes it sound like it's not necessarily in EOS, like maybe hardware related, otherwise, wouldn't every 4.7 user get it?
(on a side note, i just found out that bunk Flash RAM came in 2 of my units and caused terribly frequent freezing in 4.7 but less in 4.61 (but only w/ RFX installed?)...point being, it's sometimes hard to tell where these problems are really coming from i guess.)
automatikal wrote:4) You will be able to tell when it happens and it will happen everytime you play back the song, although it doesnt seem to follow points in the song, the bursts just have a mind of their own.
thanks, super critical info...but for me, i'm using my E4 just as a sound source for a midi drum kit...so i never deal w/ songs, more than one midi channel, etc. i wonder if my odds will be better or worse?
automatikal wrote:Good Work on starting the movement. Software still cant hang with the emu as of now imo, so its about time for the bug free upgrade.
Hell yeah it is! I didn't buy my E4 to deal w/ it's bugs! I think if we all keep pushing, nicely, it eventually will happen. me, i'm gonna write them once a week to ask..."hey, i still got problems...any date for that new OS"? we'll see how many of these they can handle till they go fucking nuts and do something.