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sequencer BPM -BUG?

Mon May 24, 2004 1:49 pm
by ozone
Got a weird one that I hoped someone can help me with.
I'm running 4.7 on an E4. I've saved a midifile off ProTools onto a Zip disc (FAT 32 formatted) and I'm trying to load it into the E4 from a SCSI Zip.
However, apart from the massive loading time it seems to take (strange for such a small file), the midifile appears with the wrong BPM - 20bpm to be precise. It then refuses to be altered in Screen Value mode in the Sequence Clock page, although sequences already in the machine can be changed with no problem at all.
Now, I realise that I may have to go back to ProTools and insert a tempo change on beat one to double check this, and I'll post back when I've tried it, but I'm still confused as to why I can't override the incorrect BPM manually.
Any ideas?

Thu May 27, 2004 10:20 am
by ozone
OK. Little bit further with this. I'm now working only with a 4.10 E4.
I've tried importing the ProTools midifile into Reason and Cubase SL2. Both programmes are perfectly happy with it. The midifile includes one tempo event (as a tempo track change on beat one in PT) and both programmes faithfully reproduce the correct tempo.
I then tried saving the midifile again out of Reason and Cubase.
The Reason save, once loaded in from floppy had the same problem but the Cubase save ran at the correct speed. However! The file was running a good 3 beats out of sync!!! And therefore was useless.
I then tried creating a fresh midifile in Reason and went via floppy into the E4. Same tempo problem - It says it's 130bpm but it runs in slow-mo.
Soooooo. I now have THIS QUESTION:
PLEASE - Can anyone who has EOS 4.10 try saving a midifile out of Reason 2.5(or ProTools 6.) and load it into the E4 via Floppy and see if the tempo is running correctly? I just need to know if it works at all.

Sat May 29, 2004 4:24 am
by sampleandhold
other than the little floppy you get with piano sounds on it, i haven't tried loading, or well using the floppy drive at all on my emu. I think i did once, and it created a fatal error. so i kinda stay away from that. I have cubase sx 2.02, and i could try to load a midi sequence from that... but i don't think 4.01 can read fat, so i wonder if it some how read it, but since it can't really read it, it "misunderstood" what the bpm, or sequence was actually suppose to be.
hope you get this figured out...
are you using your emu live?

Tue Jun 01, 2004 9:29 am
by ozone
Thanks for the post - nice to have someone want to help.
Well, to test it what you have to do is save a midifile (not a Cubase song or arr or anything) to a DOS floppy disk (if you have a drive!) and then slot that in the E4.
Then all you do is browse the floppy drive (via Disk/Browse)and load the midifile. I'm pretty sure you can either merge in the whole bank (containing just the midifile) or browse the bank and load the sequence only.
Couple of things to look out for:
When you save the midifile, make sure it has a suffix of ".MID". You may have to change after you export from Cubase while its still on the computer if the programme insists it wants to call it a ".midi".
No more that 8 characters before the suffix must be used - hence I tried "TEST.MID"
When you press the sequence button on the Master page, one of the softkeys (F3) is called Setup. Press this. Then press F2 (clock). The Sequence clock that this reveals should be set to Internal and Tempo Cntl should be set to Tempo Track. This is to ensure the Sequencer plays back your sequence at the tempo you saved it.
The sequence may load up without a title. In which case look for the sequence with a large Size. That's your puppy.
Then all you do, assuming the E4 already contains the samples you need to test it with, is go into through Master/Sequence (F5)again. Then press Manage(F5). Then select transport rather than menu on F6. Then press play (F3).
Then see if it's playing your lovely song with all its lovely samples at the right tempo.
Then post back.
BTW, what E4 do you have?

Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:14 am
by sampleandhold
i have an e5000ultra. but i am sure the principle is the same, after all, we are using the same eos.
i will check this out, and report back.