Resampling integrity is faulted.

I noticed when internally resampling a sound in the EMU the resulting sample does NOT sound like the original. Im using headphones btw.
This has become somewhat of an annoyance. I have been working on a bass sound in a preset, where i set the Peak/Shelf Morph filter up to taste. When i play different notes there is obviously tambre (tonal quality) shift. There is a section around F3-B3 that sounds similar and consequently the sound i desire. Im liking the sound of A3 so i decided to jump into the New Sample page, lock in Resample mode 16, 18 or 20bit, and switched Monitor ON - I executed the sampling process. Upon inspection of the new sample (triggering the same note) , i noticed it sounded nothing like the same tone of the original note from the Preset when monitoring.
Now, the idea of the 'Monitor On' function is so u can hear exactly the sound that is too be sampled. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case as my resulting sample sounds unlike the sound that im Monitoring. This really is buggin the hell outta me, id expect an internal resample to be an exact copy of what is played.
Others experienced this? Find a solution?? I tried various ideas like manipulating the Output Boost and the Output Headroom parameters in the Master section, tried adjusting the Volume pot, tried the various resampling bit rates. The resampled sounds are either overly clipped or lack the fullness in the bass. I even tried sampling from the headphone output (monitor off) back to the machine via the regular analog sampling method. No dice there either...never enuff bass.
Hope some ppl ere have some comments to make.
This has become somewhat of an annoyance. I have been working on a bass sound in a preset, where i set the Peak/Shelf Morph filter up to taste. When i play different notes there is obviously tambre (tonal quality) shift. There is a section around F3-B3 that sounds similar and consequently the sound i desire. Im liking the sound of A3 so i decided to jump into the New Sample page, lock in Resample mode 16, 18 or 20bit, and switched Monitor ON - I executed the sampling process. Upon inspection of the new sample (triggering the same note) , i noticed it sounded nothing like the same tone of the original note from the Preset when monitoring.
Now, the idea of the 'Monitor On' function is so u can hear exactly the sound that is too be sampled. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case as my resulting sample sounds unlike the sound that im Monitoring. This really is buggin the hell outta me, id expect an internal resample to be an exact copy of what is played.
Others experienced this? Find a solution?? I tried various ideas like manipulating the Output Boost and the Output Headroom parameters in the Master section, tried adjusting the Volume pot, tried the various resampling bit rates. The resampled sounds are either overly clipped or lack the fullness in the bass. I even tried sampling from the headphone output (monitor off) back to the machine via the regular analog sampling method. No dice there either...never enuff bass.
Hope some ppl ere have some comments to make.