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E6400 Ultra Sticky buttons....

Fri Jun 18, 2004 3:30 pm
by thedjfx
Just wonderin if anyone else suffers this problem?
On most of the front panel buttons (some more than others) a single press will often result in the system flicking through several different screens of the menu - Either that, or the button will not work at all for a few presses. Its not so bad when moving around the system, but if you are trying to edit a sample then the extra button presses can be disasterous!
This has been happening ever since I bought it from new so I dont think it is down to wear and tear? Anyway, I'm well outside the warranty period now so does anyone know if this is easy to clean up or fix?

Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:31 pm
My mate MAD_ILLZ had the same problem - had to get the buttons replaced - when he did they put substandard buttons in and charged him loads!

Fri Jun 25, 2004 5:30 am
by sampleandhold
yeah, it's typical of the emu samplers. you push a button and 5 minutes goes by and the emu finally stablizes. my favorite times are when i do the undo feature and the emu undoredoundoredoundoredoundoredo WTF??? then i have no idea what state the sample is in. i have to start over.
i bought a keyboard with the dwam option, a side from the sampler dumping the keyboard, or accidently pressing a certian two buttons at once causing the sampler to dump the keyboard, or tweaking a sample or mixing inside the sampler with the keyboard while the sampler is playing which causes the sampler to dump the keyboard... it works great.
slightly annoying but i would deal with losing the ability to use the keyboard from time to time then have the psycho buttons any day. plus if you know how to time, inputing bank names is as quick as 60 words per minute. sooooo......
oh and to get the keyboard up and running again, you can turn off and turn on the emu, the front panels still work even when this happens, so it isn't the end of the world.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 7:22 am
by honest bob II
Yep , me too ... looks like a keyboard is the easiest answer here

Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:35 pm
by Klaseed
I absolutely hate this problem, but where can I get a DWAM board for mu Ultra? I haven't seen one anywhere for ages.
BTW, if you get that undoredoundoredo thing happening, you can tell what state you're in by checking to see if F6 says undo or redo; if it says undo, you're in the state after the operation, if it says redo, you're in the state before the redo (after the undo)

Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:41 am
by sampleandhold
yeah, i know, but at three in the morning when i am following sleepy and the sampler does that, all my mind can really do is shrink my pupils down to pinpoints and stroke out.
during the day, i can handle it... usually

Sun Aug 19, 2007 11:01 pm
by filterfreq
ahh so the buttons stick...and when they finally release from there stickyness they trigger a command , cant we just take the panel off, clean it or HIT IT!!?
how much for a new panel?

Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:33 pm
by Ole
Let's take this discussion on the other thread? It's so hard to have two conversations about the exact same thing.