Boy... Don't I have something for you...

Check this one out....
Just when I thought I knew my bird like the back of my hand, it throws me a curve ball.
a few nights a go, i chopped up a guitar riff. I have found that the same technique used on breaks can just about be used on everything else... to a degree. i had sixteen pieces of the riff and placed the first hit in my sampler starting C1 and so on. the actual samples actually started on S003, the first two slots had contain the guitar riff, and the bit i copied from it. I typically cut my breaks and stuff up like that now, copy a beat (quarter note) then cut it down into forths, retaining the first part of the beat (quarter note) at the S00X that I first placed it. So when i export it as a preset, those sample banks go empty. this would, if i remember correctly would be the seventh or sixth file in my zip drive. you know how when you look at it in view mode, you see all the files listed left to right top to bottom... anyway..
tonight, i decided to sample billie jeans break, just to play around with that and the guitar riff and found something that just about made me launch my emu across my studio. I chopped up bj break , placed them as i usually do, got a good beat going. I beleive this samples start on S002... also, I typically name each sample a number according to where it came in on the sequence i cut. so you have the first kick equals 1 and the tail of the kick equals 2 and so one. samething with the quitar riff. they are called the same type of thing. oh and the billie jean break would be right next to the quitar preset.
like i said i got a good beat going and i thought i would load the guitar preset... and... to my horror... that machine... the one we all love... took it upon it's self.... to start DELETING SOME OF MY SAMPLES IN THE PRESET I JUST LOADED!!!!!
in other words. if i loaded the guitar bit second, the second, third and fourth samples of the guitar preset would be replaced by the second, third and fourth samples from the previous preset, or the preset originally load on first, which would be the billie jean break.
so, i decide to load the guitar preset first, and the exact same thing happened except the bj break would have the second, third and fourth samples replaced by the second third and fourth samples from the guitar preset.
i looked in the sample manager to see what was going on, see if they got shuffled some how and.... no, they are gone. completely gone.
so i decide i will load the bj break again. and the sampler does it again. now i have the guitar preset, the bj on twice, with the bj missing three samples.
okay, maybe it is because i have the samples starting so late, you know on S002 and S003. fine, i move everything over on both presets.... and the same thing continues. okay, now lets load a break from the stone roses and see if this continues on. i load the stone roses break, load the guitar preset. everyting is fine. load the stone roses break, and bj break... everyting is fine. load the stone roses break, the bj, then the guitar preset... everything is fine.. no, wait, the guitar preset has the same three notes gone again, and replaced by the samples from the bj break. I load other presets along with the guitar and bj break and they all seem fine.
So it appears that if i load these two presets together, the second preset will lose three samples to the other one. Oh and i suppose i should say that I am using eos 4.01...
so you know what, i got back at the emu... i deleted those two banks. now who's laughing, fing thing.
so have you guys ever experianced that? I consistantly replicated this over and over agian, but for the hour i messed with it, i could not get it to stop. So i don't know if i some out f'ed it up by doing those two presets that way causing the emu to go crazy or what. that is about the only thing i could think that caused it to happen. but when i moved all the samples over, it should have taken care of it... unless it became one of those tainted presets that i have heard about. like how some peoples samples turn into noise. that kind of thing... so the sample sequence doesn't quite hold up... the only thing that i can really say may have caused this is the fact that i loaded presets that where right next two each other, on file number 7 and 8... like for some reason those two mess with each other or something.... i don't know.
so am i alone on this one? let me know if you have experianced this, and if you have did you over come it... and don't tell me to upgrade to 4.7, i don't even think i could find that version anymore, and i don't know if i have enough flash to do it... let me know...
Just when I thought I knew my bird like the back of my hand, it throws me a curve ball.
a few nights a go, i chopped up a guitar riff. I have found that the same technique used on breaks can just about be used on everything else... to a degree. i had sixteen pieces of the riff and placed the first hit in my sampler starting C1 and so on. the actual samples actually started on S003, the first two slots had contain the guitar riff, and the bit i copied from it. I typically cut my breaks and stuff up like that now, copy a beat (quarter note) then cut it down into forths, retaining the first part of the beat (quarter note) at the S00X that I first placed it. So when i export it as a preset, those sample banks go empty. this would, if i remember correctly would be the seventh or sixth file in my zip drive. you know how when you look at it in view mode, you see all the files listed left to right top to bottom... anyway..
tonight, i decided to sample billie jeans break, just to play around with that and the guitar riff and found something that just about made me launch my emu across my studio. I chopped up bj break , placed them as i usually do, got a good beat going. I beleive this samples start on S002... also, I typically name each sample a number according to where it came in on the sequence i cut. so you have the first kick equals 1 and the tail of the kick equals 2 and so one. samething with the quitar riff. they are called the same type of thing. oh and the billie jean break would be right next to the quitar preset.
like i said i got a good beat going and i thought i would load the guitar preset... and... to my horror... that machine... the one we all love... took it upon it's self.... to start DELETING SOME OF MY SAMPLES IN THE PRESET I JUST LOADED!!!!!
in other words. if i loaded the guitar bit second, the second, third and fourth samples of the guitar preset would be replaced by the second, third and fourth samples from the previous preset, or the preset originally load on first, which would be the billie jean break.
so, i decide to load the guitar preset first, and the exact same thing happened except the bj break would have the second, third and fourth samples replaced by the second third and fourth samples from the guitar preset.
i looked in the sample manager to see what was going on, see if they got shuffled some how and.... no, they are gone. completely gone.
so i decide i will load the bj break again. and the sampler does it again. now i have the guitar preset, the bj on twice, with the bj missing three samples.
okay, maybe it is because i have the samples starting so late, you know on S002 and S003. fine, i move everything over on both presets.... and the same thing continues. okay, now lets load a break from the stone roses and see if this continues on. i load the stone roses break, load the guitar preset. everyting is fine. load the stone roses break, and bj break... everyting is fine. load the stone roses break, the bj, then the guitar preset... everything is fine.. no, wait, the guitar preset has the same three notes gone again, and replaced by the samples from the bj break. I load other presets along with the guitar and bj break and they all seem fine.
So it appears that if i load these two presets together, the second preset will lose three samples to the other one. Oh and i suppose i should say that I am using eos 4.01...
so you know what, i got back at the emu... i deleted those two banks. now who's laughing, fing thing.
so have you guys ever experianced that? I consistantly replicated this over and over agian, but for the hour i messed with it, i could not get it to stop. So i don't know if i some out f'ed it up by doing those two presets that way causing the emu to go crazy or what. that is about the only thing i could think that caused it to happen. but when i moved all the samples over, it should have taken care of it... unless it became one of those tainted presets that i have heard about. like how some peoples samples turn into noise. that kind of thing... so the sample sequence doesn't quite hold up... the only thing that i can really say may have caused this is the fact that i loaded presets that where right next two each other, on file number 7 and 8... like for some reason those two mess with each other or something.... i don't know.
so am i alone on this one? let me know if you have experianced this, and if you have did you over come it... and don't tell me to upgrade to 4.7, i don't even think i could find that version anymore, and i don't know if i have enough flash to do it... let me know...