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E5000 problem..please help

PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:27 pm
by haze3thh

Got a poblem with my E5000 sampler...hope someone can help me..

This is what happends:

- I turn on the e-5000 sampler
everythings OK
-load the bank
-play the song in my sequencer (cubase)

after a while (mostly 2 hours) the sampler "ticks" (a loud short tick-sound, once) and
then it stops playing. The "midi"-led on the e-5000 keeps burning. I can not o a thing. When i shut down the sampler and restart it the following message

EOS Primary Loader
Version 01F05
Verifying checksum...
System found in FLASH...
Verifying csum: 0x07d2c274

Checking FLASH...

And that's it... nothing happens.

After a few times restarting and some patience the sampler works again.
How can this happen ? i really want to fix this problem..

thanks in advance,


PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:31 am
by Silverman2
might be a good idea to check internal connections and everything is well seated ram etc.

or could be a thermal problem if u say it happens after a couple of hours

using 4.7?

also check external scsi connections are well seated

and maybe reset ur sampler eeprom??