"Flash Heap Full!" Can?t copy RFX-effects from Ram

Mon Sep 27, 2004 9:57 pm
by VDS
Everytime I want to copy the RFX effects from Ram to Flash, the following message is indicated: "Fash Heap Full!"
I remember (believe!) that someone here had the same problem.
Any ideas?
Greetings from Germany

Wed Sep 29, 2004 3:12 pm
by ezman

Wed Sep 29, 2004 10:35 pm
by VDS
Hello ezman!
thanks a lot for your help!
Last night I found a solution:
After erasing all Flash, it is now pssible to copy the RFX effects to the flash!
But now there is another problem:
I have EOS 4.61. And you know, that there are a few RFX-PlugIns
(Envelope Phaser,RFX Flanger,Mixer Section,RFX Chorus,Stereo
Grungulator,Grungulator and RFX Ultra Chorus)who cames after EOS 4.61.
These Plug Ins must be copied into the Flash (not Rom like the Plug Ins who are in EOS 4.61).
This is possible without any problems.
But after I copied the RFX-Effects for these Plug Ins into Flash and turn
off the Ultra the following things happend:
Next time turn on the Ultra, I go to the MASTER menu>FX>REffect, and than go to the first Effect for the PlugIns which are explained above (which are in the Flash: Envelope Phaser,RFX Flanger and so on...), I get the message:
"fx1144 Corrupt Effect"!!!!!!
All Effects of the Plug Ins who are in the Flash are now Corrupt Effects!!!
And now the "strange thing":
If I go than to a blank RFX Setup (EDIT) and scroll towards the first
"Corrupt Effect" (seemed to be there is short message like: "(!)Couldn?t
find the PlugIn that matches the preset?s GUID") than press EXIT (write RFX Setup).
After this, there are no "Corrupt Effects" anymore!!!!!!
All Effects ar now visible!!!
Seemed to be, that the Ultra don?t "see" the Flash PlugIns during the
.....neverending story..........?