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s/pdif in -out, how do I know if it works?

Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:34 am
by russ
I have an old esi4000 booted up fully, I also have an adaptec usb spdif optical in out converter contraption-the spdif out(on the esi) is working fine but the input is not recieving anything! am i doing something stupid or is it maybe a little screwed?

Thu Oct 28, 2004 8:36 pm
by wigworld
I think you probably need to tell the ESi to use the external clock rather than its own internal clock (I'm not sure with the ESi, but this is the case with most digital gear).

Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:17 am
by russ
Hi thanks for the reply but I have being unable to find anything regarding the internal clock in the manual-does this mean changing the the input on the sampler setup page? if so I have tried this and had no success.

Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:44 pm
by russ
Ok, years later its fixed. By accident I learned that if you have all the digital inputs connected to all the digital outputs at the same time, one direction will not work. Therefore you physically connect the direction you want on its own- Sampler spdif out to usb adapter in, or vice versa, never both at the same time. Maybe this is normal practise for connecting digital devices? Anyway my esi4000 and laptop have being exchanging samples digitally happily for some time now.

Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:40 pm
by sixtysixnorth
Hmm, that doesn't seem right to me. For years I had my ESI4000 hooked up to my DAT over spdif, so I could resample stuff digitally. It just worked for me, but I don't remember the details unfortunately.
Re: s/pdif in -out, how do I know if it works?

Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:40 am
by russ
Just thought I would update this again, as mentioned earlier I got my esi4000 and laptop hooked up and working well sending samples back and forth etc. I have this set up at my family home but travel around a lot meaning I dont get to use it as much as I would like. I looked into getting another small set up together for travelling and I was suprised to see how cheap you can pick up these emu samplers nowadays. To cut a long story short I just picked up 2xesi4000 with external hardrives, turbo etc for just over 200 quid altogether!, I bought 2 as it was cheaper to do that then buy a usb digital adapter to send samples into the computer(use the extra esi for digital resampling instead). anyway I have uploaded some tunes I have made onto youtube, youtube butchers the emus sound quality to a mono crunch but you can still get the jist= ... ature=mhw4