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weird HD problems

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:18 pm
by quadraspleen
Hello all,

I have an e6400 Ultra that I put a 20Gb IDE HD in.
It all worked fine for about 3 months, then, one day, I came in and the Zzz was on the drive. Hmmm, I thought. I don't like the look of that. I don't use the SCSI drive saver, as it is an IDE HD.
I rebooted, and *Pfft* as if by magic, the drive was gone! I rebooted again, and it was still gone.
I took the power cord out the back of the sampler, put it back in again, and WOW! the drive was back. This doesn't bode well, however, I thought. So, I opened her up, put a large SCSI drive on the bus and made lots of cups of coffee while I siphoned off my 10Gb collection onto a backup.
The system worked ok for another two weeks or so, but kept disappearing, with only a removal of the power cord bringing it back.
Then, one day. It went for good. :(
So, I opened her up again and put in a new 40Gb IDE HDD. Re-connected the SCSI drive and restored my collection to the new drive.
Now, three days in, the new drive sqeaks like a mouse "eek, eek, eek" very quietly.
It has disappeared a few times, too.
Is my IDE channel mashed?
Any thoughts would be appreciated..

Re: weird HD problems

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:30 am
by info

that's one of the funnier handles I have haerd in a while

heh, heh

Re: weird HD problems

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:55 pm
by quadraspleen
info wrote:
that's one of the funnier handles I have haerd in a while

:grin: I've had it for years. There's a good story behind it, which for reasons of common decency, and the fact that minors may be reading this forum, I won't go into now...


PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:22 pm
by Silverman2
Ahh Gowan!


The young'uns will be using that groovy X-sampler thingy
