E4K problems: one key (E5) behaves exactely opposite

Hi, I discovered this forum yesterday, so I'm as fresh as can be
I'm having trouble with my E4K:
one key behaves strange, it triggers with full velocity and volum by barely touching it, and the sound gets muted instantely. This only happens to one key (E5); the trigger censor may be bad, I guess (hope not) Any possibilities to test/initialize the keyboard?
I've reset the PROM, RAM test, Midi test, my OS is 4.02
Could reinstalling/updating fix it, any chance it's a software problem?
Should I install 4.10 classic?
Many questions, sorry
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I'm having trouble with my E4K:
one key behaves strange, it triggers with full velocity and volum by barely touching it, and the sound gets muted instantely. This only happens to one key (E5); the trigger censor may be bad, I guess (hope not) Any possibilities to test/initialize the keyboard?
I've reset the PROM, RAM test, Midi test, my OS is 4.02
Could reinstalling/updating fix it, any chance it's a software problem?
Should I install 4.10 classic?
Many questions, sorry

Any suggestions would be appreciated.