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E4K problems: one key (E5) behaves exactely opposite

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 11:13 am
by ruudman
Hi, I discovered this forum yesterday, so I'm as fresh as can be :grin:

I'm having trouble with my E4K:
one key behaves strange, it triggers with full velocity and volum by barely touching it, and the sound gets muted instantely. This only happens to one key (E5); the trigger censor may be bad, I guess (hope not) Any possibilities to test/initialize the keyboard?
I've reset the PROM, RAM test, Midi test, my OS is 4.02
Could reinstalling/updating fix it, any chance it's a software problem?
Should I install 4.10 classic?
Many questions, sorry ;)

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

keyboard control?

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 2:27 pm
by FilthyMcNasty
Hi, is E5 the very top key?

I haven't got an E4K, but my atari allows me to have 'keyboard control'. By holding down the very top key (keyboard control on) I can use the keys directly below to control the sequencer transport; stop, play, rec, track up, track down, etc.

Maybe You have a similar 'mode' on the E4K (or on your sequencer) that's causing this?

.... just a thought.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 4:05 pm
by ruudman
Thanks for the reply.
No, it's not the top key, and I have disconnected everything.

I think I'll install 4.10 and have a look at the censors.

Any other suggestions?

Best regards,

looks like diagnostics for you my friend.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:10 pm
by FilthyMcNasty
Maybe there's a key sensor test in diagnostics.

You have to enter a code to access these, 1358 is mine (E6400 ultra) not sure if your's is the same.

You can find the code in the small (hardware) manual, in the section regarding installation / testing of new memory SIMMs; bottom of page 32 in mine, but it's quite old.

Be careful in diagnostics! You can destroy the world in a single button press.

Good luck!

PostPosted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:25 pm
by ruudman
Thanks, McNasty.


PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 4:49 pm
by duncan
the front panel switches are a weak point of all the emu samplers, especially the ones that get used a lot. my older esi32 has problems now because I used to use the numeric keypad for triggering loops. & my e6400ultra keeps telling me how big things are because the right-most soft-key under the display is double-hitting, so when I exit something the next thing it does is "info". if I could be bothered, I'd take it to bits & replace the switch. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
