Spambots will be destroyed

Hi, I will be cleaning up the forum - I've already deleted the vast majority if not all spambot members. Next I'm going to delete all the posts that they've made. And the next thing after that is there will be a new registration procedure where a question is asked that a spambot couldn't possibly guess - ie. name an emu ultra sampler!
After that will be a call for either a new owner for the forum (I don't really use the emu any more) OR a couple of Moderators. Failing either of those I'll just have to put measures in place to stop spambots joining and let it run itself as much as I can. If you're interested please let me know by PMing me.
Apologies for the tumbleweed.
EDIT: All spam posts should be deleted now. Oct 12th
After that will be a call for either a new owner for the forum (I don't really use the emu any more) OR a couple of Moderators. Failing either of those I'll just have to put measures in place to stop spambots joining and let it run itself as much as I can. If you're interested please let me know by PMing me.
Apologies for the tumbleweed.
EDIT: All spam posts should be deleted now. Oct 12th