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Blendin in effects

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:15 am
by Gongchime
I'm still trying to figure out how to blend the effects in for an "example" recording. The effects that were in the headphones didn't end up on the cd. :cry:

I was a guitarist and bassist before I got on this extreme melodic percussion kick. Even if I was a vibraphonist, the technique is completely different. Westerners just don't grow up playing a bar with only one mallet in the right hand and stopping the last one with the left hand.

The audio versions have me playing more than 14 different instruments. :pimp: Needless to say most people can only master one or two. Exceptional people maybe three. Yeah, you can get by on more but not master.

Although my performances sound like some of the ethnomusicological field recordings I've listened to, that won't cut it in most of the world music market. So, the choice to use midi is a natural.

Melodic percussion does't suffer much at all in a midi performance. Especially the soft mallet metallophones sound great. :mrgreen: Anyway, My strength lies in composing, arranging and just generating a ton of ideas.

I'll include an audio example at some point. Just as soon as I figure out how to add reverb.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:17 pm
by illinformed
Hi there Gongchime.

I nned to know a couple things before I can answer the question. Is the reverb that you can hear in the headphones coming from the Emu. If it is, are you using an RFX card with an Ultra or do you have an older Classic Emu (non Ultra). Also, what are you finally recording onto, are you using software or hardware etc. If you could describe the process from start to finish (including what equipment you are using) then I'm sure someone here can answer your question.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 12:19 pm
by illinformed
Aha, I've just found another one of your posts and it looks as if you are using an Emulator X product. I suggest that you join the forums here

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:16 pm
by Gongchime
I'm on about 10 production forums and that's already one of the one's I post too. :thumbs: They're great. If you look around over there, you'll be certain to find me.

The reverb that I can hear is an insert from a drop down menu which is part of the E-DSP Patch Mixer.

I don't know what an RFX card or Ultra are so I'm fairly sure I don't have them.

All I do is go to Cubasis'>File>Export>Audio>Mixdown/Wav file. I'm starting to get a clue. That's my problem right there isn't it? Once I've got that I need to play it back and record it again with effects don't I? How to do that is the next question I guess. :???:


Data dsik/mastering with effects

PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:19 am
by Gongchime
I was told I need to back up my work to a "data disk". Let's say I'm saving a Cubasis sound file, a midi file and an Emulator X sound bank file to a cd (not a DVD). In Cubasis it says export, save and save as. Should I be trying to save from Cubasis or should I just go to the C: drive and do something there? If so, what? This song is nearly perfect :thumbs: and I don't want anything to happen to it.

I already saved those things separately but it's time to learn how to make a "data disk."

Also, I want to "Master" it. How do I get the tune plus the effects I loaded into the E-DSP Patchmixer to end up on both the data disk and a traditional cd format? Right now, if I just export, there's no effects. :cry: I'm missing something.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:03 am
by illinformed
To be honest I dont think you're going to have any luck posting up EmuX hardware and software problems here. The majority of people that post on this forum discuss Older Emulator Hadware and the bulk of those posts concern Emulator EIV EOS based samplers.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 11:56 am
by Gongchime
Yeah, O.K. but it doesn't hurt to try. I'm not relying on this forum to get me through. I'm on about 15 music production forums. That way when I ask a question if only three people answer and only one person knows what they're talking about or is saying it in a way I understand, then I'm covered. :thumbs: Anyway, it's interesting just to interact with people even if they don't have an answer to my questions. I like creative people and musicians :pimp: especially. People like you for example who take the time to "talk."

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:40 pm
by illinformed
If you go and buy yourself an EIV Ultra then we'd have an awful lot more to talk about ;) :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:14 pm
by Gongchime
There's not much chance of that. I'm as poor as a church mouse. I'm 40 and don't have any savings, a car or a house. :cry: (My parents neglected and abused me) I also live in Korea now. So, it's not like there's one over at the corner music store. But really, I've never been happier. My girlfriend is 19 years old and hot, hot, hot!!! :thumbs: Now there's something to talk about. :shock: