Care to help out a fellow emu-user?

Hi there! I'm doing this article for a newspaper here in Norway on the world of "freebies". I'm sure you've noticed those pages offering a free ipod if you do that and that, and sign up for that, buy that and so on. Thing is, bbc and some other news company tested this, and found it to be true. Now it's my turn to test it.
According to the freebie sites, they get paid for people signing up for "offers". More on that here, including parts of the bbc-article:
My original plan was to try the site, since that was the site you could find most info's about when you googled this whole idea. I was supposed to get help from some of my Norwegian friends, but it turned out that I've gotta get help from some people from the UK, Canada or USA.
If you do this thing right it won't cost you a buck, and if you care to continue do to this thing you might even get a freebie. I'll get 250$ paypal cash, and to be nice I'll paypal all you who help me 10$ when I get it.
Now, to the details: What you first gotta do is read through this page:
When you have read it through, go here and sign up (it's important that you use this link, or I won't get anything out of it):
You've gotta post you real address and true information about yourself. I used my personal email, but if you don't wanna risk it just send me a pm and I'll invite you to open a gmail account.
When you have signed up, do one of the offers (one is enough). The offers will vary from time to time, but unless you really want to pay for one of those offers, just take one of the free ones. You'll find some information about the offers on the second link i posted.
I need 9 people to sign up and to the offer, then I'll supposedly get my money. If I get the money or not really don't bother me, I'm doing this for my newspaper, but I hope you understand that I can't give 10$ unless I get my money.
Please post how you are doing in the process, and any opinion about the system, the "offers" and so on. I need writing material:)
Oh, by the way, mail me if there is anything. Oleheggli at
According to the freebie sites, they get paid for people signing up for "offers". More on that here, including parts of the bbc-article:
My original plan was to try the site, since that was the site you could find most info's about when you googled this whole idea. I was supposed to get help from some of my Norwegian friends, but it turned out that I've gotta get help from some people from the UK, Canada or USA.
If you do this thing right it won't cost you a buck, and if you care to continue do to this thing you might even get a freebie. I'll get 250$ paypal cash, and to be nice I'll paypal all you who help me 10$ when I get it.
Now, to the details: What you first gotta do is read through this page:
When you have read it through, go here and sign up (it's important that you use this link, or I won't get anything out of it):
You've gotta post you real address and true information about yourself. I used my personal email, but if you don't wanna risk it just send me a pm and I'll invite you to open a gmail account.
When you have signed up, do one of the offers (one is enough). The offers will vary from time to time, but unless you really want to pay for one of those offers, just take one of the free ones. You'll find some information about the offers on the second link i posted.
I need 9 people to sign up and to the offer, then I'll supposedly get my money. If I get the money or not really don't bother me, I'm doing this for my newspaper, but I hope you understand that I can't give 10$ unless I get my money.
Please post how you are doing in the process, and any opinion about the system, the "offers" and so on. I need writing material:)
Oh, by the way, mail me if there is anything. Oleheggli at