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Fallujah: the truth at last

PostPosted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:43 pm
by Silverman2
The news you won't here from the corporate media:

Doctor Salam Ismael took aid to Fallujah last month. This is his story of how the US murdered a city

IT WAS the smell that first hit me, a smell that is difficult to describe, and one that will never leave me. It was the smell of death. Hundreds of corpses were decomposing in the houses, gardens and streets of Fallujah. Bodies were rotting where they had fallen?bodies of men, women and children, many half-eaten by wild dogs.


Graphic image Warning!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 5:36 am
by nads
I read a similar account in John Pilger's "Read Between The Lies". Made me feel ill and very angry. Gee, and I thought it was all going so well over there for the citizens of Iraq with this new "democracy" on the cards and all. The American military machine has a lot to answer for and no doubt it will be the people of America that suffer some sort of catastrophic terrorist event or attack. Bush and his right-wing lunatics are out to change the world for ever and it is a very woeful path I see them taking at the moment. Wolfowitz head of the world's proposterous.

Condoleeza Rice made a bit of a faux pas when she said it would be dangerous for a country to act unilaterally (in the case of China and Taiwan). Shit...ain't that what that land of the "free" and brainwashed does, has done and will continue to do as long as it can maintain it's hegemony. The whole administration is full of deluded, right-wing, Christian Zionist megalomaniacs. This next four years ain't gonna be no cakewalk.

Funny how a country has to be invaded before we see suicide bombings...the martyrs of Iraq weren't doing that under Saddam, no matter how nasty he was.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 22, 2005 9:33 pm
by Silverman2
Hi Nads and well said!

If you need cheering up. watch the "desperate wives" vid, at the
following link:

the download might be a little slow but worth it!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 pm
by radioactive

Keep up the good work my brothers and sisters, spread the truth
over internet forums, let the people know who's the real terrorists!

Big up the digital intifada! :slayer: