oh, about EOS, i'm not sure 4.7 is it. we had such a big push to tell EMU we wanted at least a bug free 4.7 that i think we may have started some progress. at least Razmo seems to think so here:
he says EMU told him something will be in the works, but i told him to not believe it just yet
we should all maybe stay w/ bugging EMU every week or so asking about a new EOS and maybe we'll have to organize something to push for it again? i'm down. if we ALL bug them, after a while they'll do it.
sampleandhold wrote:so what are you guys saying?
you can't call up emu and order a new sampler?
nope, they're like 99% GONE as far as i understand. no E4 platinums, E4XT's, they may have ONE or TWO E6400's or E5000's left but that's it. production has stopped long ago. you can still find them on Ebay and crap like that and for dirt cheap now too.
side note: i'm almost sure this new software doesn't control an E4 either.
the one thing i'm wondering about is if the proprietary EMU file format will change? meaning will our old CD-ROMS (not that many even use them) work on the new software and will new CD-ROMS for the EMU X work on our old (:grumble:) E4's? we could get some cool, up to date new CD-ROMS at least!
sampleandhold wrote:looks like i am going to call emu next week when i have time and ask them what there plans are on the samplers.
mmmm, good luck. i did hear once, can't remember where, that they will still probably release ONE hardware sampler sometime in the future. i think someone at EMU told me that...(??)
anyhow, i just got my E4XT Ultra and it kicks ass, and i would not even want this new software shit had i the money for it! i'm sure the E4 will be a sufficient piece of gear for at least a few more years. (of course, when computers finally get insanely speedy, dirt cheap, and super stable, look out...it'll be all over for hardware compeletely)
sampleandhold wrote:interesting thing... akai just released a new sampler... roland has a new sampler out as well. and these pups are really spendy. at least the new roland.
where did you see these? Akai sucks, in my experience...good for some things...(i guess). i dunno, my S5000 sucked ass compared to my E4. And Roland, i won't even go there.
I'm interested what else gets released at NAMM. Our homey Klaseed is there and will tell us next week fo sho.