poll. Emulator X

just curious to see how many are planning on buying this. i think i am going to. mostly interested in it's appearant ability to still use the old format... it would be an easy way to get my samples off of my zips and on to my hd.
boscomatix wrote:Audio companies are not ignoring the Mac - they are just wise to the fact that PC hardware and software far outsell Mac apps in both graphics and music. Note I said outsell, not out-perform; I personally prefer the Mac for both graphics and music, and support people who do just this to make my living - but I use the PC for both due to economics. I have a wager with a friend that a Mac version of Emulator X won't come out at all - Creative is interested in the money only - just take a look at the service department of any company Creative has taken over - big drop in customer satisfaction. Cambridge Soundworks is a good example of this.
The other side of having Creative in the mix, though, is that they can afford to put higher quality components on a relatively inexpensive board. Economies of scale, you know. I'll wait for a real world test of these devices, but it could be a surprise. Don't know, though, if they can ever resolve the fact that the inside of the PC is a bad place for audio, so the non-breakout box versions might well suffer.
boscomatix wrote:The information is from Seybold Seminars, and was communicated at Seybold San Francisco in September 2003. It takes a lot to produce and support an app or hardware, and a company needs to be convinced the return on investment is there. I'm really not thrilled about it, as I am by no means a fan of Gates and company - I find the Jobs world a better place indeed. And it irks me that economic reality might dictate our musical future vs having the best person win.
sampleandhold wrote:i am a pc user, and i don't pirate software. one of the reasons why is because it could (did) bring the collapse of hardware. hardware companies spend so much time to make something worth while and then they are cheated out of sales because of cheap software, or more so because of pirated software. but at least we all have the emus now. technology marches on, i guess.
overdose wrote:i manly use craked software to get a grip with it , see if i want to buy it...im sorry but i wouldnt go out and buy a peice of software for 350 quid to get it home and find it to be crap.....
overdose wrote:im sorry but i wouldnt go out and buy a peice of software for 350 quid to get it home and find it to be crap.....