questions about the emulator x/studio

the emulator x studio comes with 2 pci cards and a breakaway firewire box, correct? now the pci cards are like the rfx32 card right? like they are processor cards that crunch the effects and allow you to have zero latency? and is the breakaway box essentially just for i/o? like that would have the excellent dac's and adc's so it will be able to actually sample (unlike all other current softsamplers) and you'd be able to monitor from it instead of using a computers native dac's (which sound horrible compared to emu's dac's)?
so basically you can't just use this with a laptop? unless you get like a magma pci expander? because you NEED the pci cards to run it since they're doing a great deal of the processing and enabling you to have no latency? so basically this will mainly only work with desktops with firewire ports?
so basically you can't just use this with a laptop? unless you get like a magma pci expander? because you NEED the pci cards to run it since they're doing a great deal of the processing and enabling you to have no latency? so basically this will mainly only work with desktops with firewire ports?