Emulator X Fatal Crash

I have a bug, or at least something very bad is happening in my Emulator X Studio....
Clicking on "My Computer" in the system side panel causes the application to completly crash and close appruptly. When Emulator X is relaunched each channel's output routing is displayed as a blank and the ASIO Out 1/2 output pair does not appear in the list. The other ASIO outs still work though...
I can recreate this every time without fail so have learned just not to do it - but is does mean I cant browse my sample archive in a tree structure, I have to use the file open... dialogue.
To get the ASIO output channels back again requires a complete system restart.
Has anyone experienced this? I saw a post on the 1820 list closely related where the ASIO ports go after a crash requiring reboot...
If it is running as an instrument it takes cubase out with it as well, I however use Emulator X as a standalone applcation.
System Spec:
P4 2.4 GHZ
1GB Ram
Cubase SX 2 hooked up via ASIO to
Soundscape Mixtreme V 4
Emulator X using ASIO drivers with
Patchmix DSP Mixer
I treat Emulator X like a standalone hardware sampler and send the Audiodock MIDI from cubase via a Midex8, then mix the outs of the Audiodock on my desk with the mixtreme cubase outs. This gives me 10 sampler outs (8 Analogue/2SPDIF) and the 16 TDIF outs for Audio tracks. And it works with 5ms latency!
Lets hope some one knows how to fix it, 'cos I don't!
Clicking on "My Computer" in the system side panel causes the application to completly crash and close appruptly. When Emulator X is relaunched each channel's output routing is displayed as a blank and the ASIO Out 1/2 output pair does not appear in the list. The other ASIO outs still work though...
I can recreate this every time without fail so have learned just not to do it - but is does mean I cant browse my sample archive in a tree structure, I have to use the file open... dialogue.
To get the ASIO output channels back again requires a complete system restart.
Has anyone experienced this? I saw a post on the 1820 list closely related where the ASIO ports go after a crash requiring reboot...
If it is running as an instrument it takes cubase out with it as well, I however use Emulator X as a standalone applcation.
System Spec:
P4 2.4 GHZ
1GB Ram
Cubase SX 2 hooked up via ASIO to
Soundscape Mixtreme V 4
Emulator X using ASIO drivers with
Patchmix DSP Mixer
I treat Emulator X like a standalone hardware sampler and send the Audiodock MIDI from cubase via a Midex8, then mix the outs of the Audiodock on my desk with the mixtreme cubase outs. This gives me 10 sampler outs (8 Analogue/2SPDIF) and the 16 TDIF outs for Audio tracks. And it works with 5ms latency!
Lets hope some one knows how to fix it, 'cos I don't!