Output left and right is not even

I just bought the emulator x package with the 1212m.
I didnt quite figured out how to use the routing settings yet.
But when i load those presets everything seems ok except 2 things:
1. I can record my line in (analog line in on 1212m) In cubase but not in soundforge anymore?
2. The output (analog outs on 1212m) to my mixer is uneven. Im sure the sound that goes out is even balanced (left and right), also when i monitor with the emu dsp tool the audio looks even balanced. But still 1 channel is quite louder than the other! Is this a problem in my software setup? Or do i have a serious hardware problem on the 1212m? I allready checked the cables and my mixer.... And they are fine....
I have 2 cables plugged in left and right..... To my mixer..
I just bought the emulator x package with the 1212m.
I didnt quite figured out how to use the routing settings yet.
But when i load those presets everything seems ok except 2 things:
1. I can record my line in (analog line in on 1212m) In cubase but not in soundforge anymore?
2. The output (analog outs on 1212m) to my mixer is uneven. Im sure the sound that goes out is even balanced (left and right), also when i monitor with the emu dsp tool the audio looks even balanced. But still 1 channel is quite louder than the other! Is this a problem in my software setup? Or do i have a serious hardware problem on the 1212m? I allready checked the cables and my mixer.... And they are fine....
I have 2 cables plugged in left and right..... To my mixer..