Frequently Asked Questions
- What happened to emusonacid?
The legendary E-MUs on ACID forum was closed down in October 2014 due to hosting issues. It was unrecoverable due to lack of up-to-date backups, so respect goes to user ja-ki who managed to rip the website while it was still live in April 2014. This snapshot is read-only, but is still a valuable resource comprising 10 years of E-MU history.
User Discarga created a new samplersonacid forum and user plz assisted in porting the legacy snapshot into it so it could be browsed as normal, albeit with no interactive facilities, e.g. you could not register, login, post or reply to topics, but searching was still possible using conventional search engines. Unfortunately, samplersonacid has also closed down; see next FAQ entry for details.
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- What happened to samplersonacid?
- The Samplersonacid forum catered for all makes of sampler including E-MU, and hosted the legacy read-only snapshot of emusonacid for browsing & reference purposes. The forum was closed down in July 2022 due to dwindling activity and support issues. Respect to user Discarga for funding, hosting and running the forum for all this time. The samplersonacid forum and legacy emusonacid snapshot then moved over to where user nkrypth is working to restore its functionality. ETA: Early 2023.
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- How do I search emusonacid?
- Use your normal web search engine, such as Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc. and include the words emusonacid & legacy in your search criteria.
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- Why can’t I login or register on emusonacid?
- Emusonacid is in read-only mode. Users are no longer able to use functions such as login, registering & posting are unavailable.
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- Why can’t I post or reply to emusonacid topics?
- Same reason as above.
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- Why are some links broken?
- Links will be broken if they refer to items uploaded to the forum which were not captured in the original snapshot, or if they refer to external items which no longer exist (as is normal with the internet). Links referring to other items within the forum should work, but the porting exercise by user plz (Phil Tipping) involved editing approx 36000 files so some links may have been missed
. If you spot any problems please contact
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- Where are the user profiles?
- This information was not included in the forum snapshot.
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