Thinking of buying a midi kybd controller for my E6400s.
Would like to have real time control of envelopes and filters on E6400 using kybd controller assignable sliders or rotaries.
Can this be done?
Sure, get one that sends sysex (the M-audio Prokeys88 works and have a lot of sliders and rotaries, but the keys kinda need some getting used to). You also need the sysex-documentation for Eos.
Hey Ole,
How bout a 49 -61 key controller ?
88 takes up a lot of space. Used to synth style keys, since I have no formal Piano background.
Also sysex docu Is this in EOS manuals or something need to download.
I am running 4.10 right now but need docu for this. only have up to ver 3. manuals.
Any tutorials on this kinda set up?