Saving the mixer screen?

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Saving the mixer screen?

Postby poeticproductions » Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:56 pm

Hey guys,

I'm looking to use my E6400 Ultra in a live situation, so I'm looking to be able to recall presets, and mixer settings (output, panning, and level, and also which presets are assigned to which channel) very quickly... I'm just not sure how I can save things like this? I mean, I know how to save a sample, and a preset, and a bank, but, when I reload these things the mixer screen goes to the last way I had it, and without the outputs routed?? any ideas? thanks folks!!
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Postby sampleandhold » Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:40 am

You know when you are in the mutlimode. Where you see all the channels and you can page over and see all the alpha cc's?

If you save there (hit the save button at the bottom of the screen. f5 for those of you with a ascii keyboard hooked up.)... you save everything. But if you open up a project in cubase, lets say, after loading the bank the cc's and such may and probably reset.

that should do it.

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Postby poeticproductions » Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:01 am

aha!! thanks snh. does it then save to it's own file? or as part of the bank? (not with my emu at the moment)...

thanks again!
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Postby illinformed » Wed Jan 25, 2006 12:34 pm

I'm not sure if it's a just an RFX thing but do you have MultiSetup available on your Emu. In Multimode it's the F2 button.

This allows you to take snapshots of your current Multimode Setup. I find this invaluable for live work. The snapshot remembers which Presets are on which channel, and it remembers any midi controller information set up in the Multimode screen (pan, volume, midiA etc). Anything that is programmed inside a Preset will stay just with that Preset and Multimode doesn't touch this. I have a different Multisetup for each different midi sequence. Multisetups can be saved and loaded. They create very small files as they are just a snapshot and dont contain any sample data.
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Postby sampleandhold » Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:00 am


Basically it save it's self to a new file. You can continue to add to it. You can adjust things that need to be adjusted and so on. This is how it works. I hope it makes sense.

I load a preset. Then another. And so on. I can set the channel loudness. I can set what preset goes to what channel. I can set any thing. Then once I am done. I save it by pressing F5 at the multi mode screen. it then asks me where to save it. So then I move to an empty spot and save it and rename it. So in otherwords. I do have all the presets seperate as well as having them all in this one Bank. So you could, If you wanted to, delete all the presets that are alone and keep the bank if you need to conserve space. Hope that makes sense.

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Postby poeticproductions » Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:03 pm

All makes perfect sense!! tested on weekend and worked like a charm...

thanks again..

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