i have bit of a stupid question. i've been making music for four years, mainly d'n'b. i started out with software (yuck), bought an akai s6000 and some small mixers this summer. now i realize i miss something. i miss z-planes, lotsa cc's (wich akai doesn't provide) etc... my question is: does the e4 ultra's really sound that phat? should i swap my akai for it? i really want the holy z-planes, but does emu sound that crisp and clear for drums and breakz like akai does? is it possible to produce badass wicked tunes without lots of outboard gear, cause that's also a problem i have with mr. akai s6k. it's like i have to polish my mix a lot afterwards. i really don't have the money for both so please guys help me out. thx. h/w for ever!