Samples playing at wrong pitch in sample manage mode?

I have had this problem for a while and don't know how to fix it.. I record a sample on to the emu, and I say that it is C3 as orig. Now, in sample manage mode when I hit C3 on my midi keyboard (or audition button, which is tuned to that..), it plays way way too slow. I go in to 'place' and its always at the wrong place. For instance, Low: C1 Orig: G1 High: B1 .. so I change those values, make them all C3. While doing so, the sample plays and is fine.. now I say 'Place' to place it there. I get 'Overlaps existing voices in group, continue?' I say OK.
Now if I go right back in to 'Place', those old values are there!!! And if I audition from the sample manage screen with the sample on screen, its back to playing too slow! UGH ..but if I go over to Preset Manage and audition, I hear the sample played at the perfectly right pitch.
I think i get it, when I do "place" what I'm actually doing is placing the sample in to the preset. That's fine and good -- but now how can I adjust this problem of the original sample, in sample mode, not playing at the right pitch when I hit that 'right' key?
Sorry to be so wordy but this is EXTREMELY confusing to me. Thanks lots to anyone who can lend a hand..
Now if I go right back in to 'Place', those old values are there!!! And if I audition from the sample manage screen with the sample on screen, its back to playing too slow! UGH ..but if I go over to Preset Manage and audition, I hear the sample played at the perfectly right pitch.
I think i get it, when I do "place" what I'm actually doing is placing the sample in to the preset. That's fine and good -- but now how can I adjust this problem of the original sample, in sample mode, not playing at the right pitch when I hit that 'right' key?
Sorry to be so wordy but this is EXTREMELY confusing to me. Thanks lots to anyone who can lend a hand..