I'm sitting here, having just installed both my e6400-Classic and e6400-Ultra (yeah, I've got both, for some reason) in a new rack (glee!), and I'm noticing the differences (well, noticing the cosmetic differences... again). The Ultra has a one piece molded plastic front panel, with the E-mu logo painted on. The Classic has a front panel seems to be of a more dense plastic, and while still a one piece mold, manages to give the impression of well aligned metal plate sections. It's also got the nifty embossed E-mu logo embedded above the power button.
Maybe it is just me, the Classic just seems to have a nicer design feel to it (but then, I'm actually insane, so what do I know

And then there's my Morpheus, with a real metal front panel...
Mmm...metal... (drool, drool)