Transferring Samples Between E6400 Ultra & Mac Pro?

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Transferring Samples Between E6400 Ultra & Mac Pro?

Postby teknosmoker » Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:10 pm

OK. I've decided that it's not worth the ridiculous price that the ATTO PCIe SCSI cards sell for to justify purchasing one - just to do SCSI/SMIDI transfers between my E6400 Ultra running EOS 4.61 and my Mac Pro. But I need a quick & efficient way of swapping the samples to and fro.

I've got a SCSI ZIP drive for the EMU. If I purchase a USB ZIP drive for my Mac Pro, can I use that to transfer ONLY SAMPLE data back & forth between the 2 devices? I figure that I could simply format the Zip disks as FAT 32 and use them as a means to transfer samples quickly when working on a project. I don't care about bank or preset information, just the actual samples.

I'd like to avoid the purchase of 3rd party conversion software if possible.

Last edited by teknosmoker on Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wigworld » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:41 pm

Yes, that will work. It's exactly the method I use to transfer samples between my PC and my Emu.
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Postby teknosmoker » Mon Feb 25, 2008 7:47 pm

Excellent - thanks for the reply. :)

Now, can I do this with EOS 4.61 - or am I forced to upgrade to the 4.7 beta OS?
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Postby Silver Fox » Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:32 pm

I'll be interested to see how that works out for you. Ive got a normal E6400 with a SCSI Zip100 drive and need to transfer to my Mac G5.
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Postby teknosmoker » Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:44 pm

I'll let you know if it does.

But first I need to find out if what I am trying to do is possible with EOS v. 4.61. I really don't want to "upgrade" to 4.7, as it's a beta version that was never officially released by EMU (I've heard that it's buggy).

Anybody know?

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Postby Silver Fox » Mon Feb 25, 2008 10:53 pm

teknosmoker wrote:I'll let you know if it does.

But first I need to find out if what I am trying to do is possible with EOS v. 4.61. I really don't want to "upgrade" to 4.7, as it's a beta version that was never officially released by EMU (I've heard that it's buggy).

Anybody know?


Thanks Tekno. Hmm, after reading a few threads about it, it seems im stuck transferring directly to the Mac unless i spend a ton of money on an ATTO SCSI card for the dual 2 G5 :cry: Im only running EOS 4.10a in my 6400 classic but apparently i need EOS 4.7 (a buggy Ultra EOS) to transfer with any success using ChickenSys Translator to send directly to the Mac?

However, I do have a PC with XP networked to my Mac so is it possible to use this process?

Save samples on e6400 SCSI zip drive
insert zip disc in a PC USB zip drive
Read zip disc via ChickenSys on the PC
save to PC hd then send to Mac hd via network?

Long winded(!) i know but just want to archive the samples. Also its nice to be able to have some kind of access to the 6400 so i can edit on the Mac then send to the e6400 if i want to but its not my aim.
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Postby mocheez » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:33 am

If you just want to archive samples on your Mac then all you need is a Zip drive on both Mac and sampler and CDXtract software. It reads E-mu banks on any media. That's how I was able to backup all my Esi-32 banks and convert them to Reason NN-XT format (back then I had a B&W G3 with internal zip drive). Also, there is the Adaptec 29160N scsi card that reportedly works with G4's and PCI G5's connected to an E-mu sampler (other than that the card is useless and cannot see regular scsi peripherals) Plus it's cheaper than the ATTO stuff. I bought it but haven't tested it yet.
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Postby teknosmoker » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:35 am

If you've got a Windows PC in the studio, just buy a 20? Adaptec SCSI card and be done with it (Adaptec dropped Mac support long ago, so that's not an option for me). Problem solved. That way you can just do SCSI dumps back & forth between the PC and your EMU, making archiving a snap........and since you're Mac is networked to the Windows box, you can use whatever waveform editor on your Mac that you'd like to edit your samples. :)

I just need to see if I can format a Zip disk in a format that both my Mac Pro (OS 10.4.9) and E6400 Ultra (EOS 4.61) can read and write to?
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Postby Silver Fox » Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:48 am

mocheez wrote:If you just want to archive samples on your Mac then all you need is a Zip drive on both Mac and sampler and CDXtract software. It reads E-mu banks on any media. That's how I was able to backup all my Esi-32 banks and convert them to Reason NN-XT format (back then I had a B&W G3 with internal zip drive). Also, there is the Adaptec 29160N scsi card that reportedly works with G4's and PCI G5's connected to an E-mu sampler (other than that the card is useless and cannot see regular scsi peripherals) Plus it's cheaper than the ATTO stuff. I bought it but haven't tested it yet.

Id be very interested in that also, gonna research that now infact. Makes sense as i have to spend ?20 on a usb zip drive for the pc anyway, i might as well spend that on a scsi card and have cross-transfer on demand. I wont be upgrading the G5 for a while so ill probably get some use from it. Only thing is, im not sure my dual 2 has a PCI slot, im sure its all PCI-X :(

PCI & PCI-X G5s: ... slots.html

@tekno: My PC isnt in the studio unfortunately, its in another room but its good to know that the CDXtract method & SCSI/USB zip method will work with Translator as a last measure. :D Thanks guys and good luck.
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Postby teknosmoker » Tue Feb 26, 2008 1:43 am

Back to my original topic of this thread......

From reading other posts on the forum, it seems that there is no way to use 2 Zip drives to exchange samples between the EMU and my computer.....unless I upgrade to EOS 4.7 beta.

Two questions:

1. If I do not have an RFX card, will I experience any bugs/problems with EOS 4.7?

2. If I decide that EOS 4.7 is unusable is it possible (and easy) to revert back to EOS 4.61?
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Postby mocheez » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:52 am

Tekno. Looks like you haven't read my last post : Yes you can use two zip drives, even with your sampler on 4.6. The Mac (or PC) will not mount EOS formatted zip's but software like CDXtract will. EOS 4.7 will only bring FAT compatibility to your sampler, in which case you can either save EOS banks from the sampler and read them back in the computer, or use the FAT zip to store EOS banks created with Chickensys Translator and that you want back in the sampler. I think wav and aiff file transfer to the sampler only works with floppies.
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Postby teknosmoker » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:03 pm

Thanks for the reply mocheez. I did read your last post, but as I stated in my first post in this thread, I'd like to avoid the purchase of 3rd party conversion software if possible. So with EOS 4.6, there is no way of doing so, correct? I'd have to upgrade to EOS 4.7 in order to transfer samples between the EMU and my computer in a format that is natively readable by both.......maybe..

According to page 2 of the E-MU EOS 4.7 manual, it states:

"EOS FAT makes it much easier to export as .wav or .aiff and transfer the files to your computer."

Then on page 9 of the E-MU EOS 4.7 manual:

"EOS can export samples as .wav or .aiff files in order to be read by your PC or Macintosh. EOS FAT allows these files to be freely exchanged between the E4 and your computer."

To Transfer Samples from E4 to your Computer:

1. Export the samples as .wav (PC) or .aiff (Mac) to your removable media drive using the ?Export Sample? function in the Sample Manage module.

2. Transfer the removable media disk to your computer disk drive.

3. Open the files in your computer and edit the names and sample data as desired.

To Transfer Samples from your Computer to E4:

1. Save the .wav (PC) or .aiff (Mac) samples to your removable media drive on your computer.

2. Transfer the removable media disk to your E4 removable disk drive.

3. Merge the samples (which appear as banks) into a bank on your E4.

4. Save the bank.

So it would seem that the ability to transfer samples between a computer and sampler was one of EMU's big "selling points" of EOS 4.7 (because of its FAT 32 support). Transfer samples that you've created in your computer to your E-MU or edit samples that have been transfered from your E-MU in your favorite computer-based wave editor, right?

Well, maybe not!! As the manual also confusingly states on page 8:

"Unfortunately the presets and samples cannot be edited or modified from your computer browser.

So I guess are we back to square one then --- where we are forced to purchase 3rd party applications (Chickensys, CDXtract), which have been reported by others on this forum to be less than rock solid on Mac OS X, just to send edited/created samples over to our EOS samplers?

sigh.....I miss the fluid workflow of being able to use SCSI. It's just that PCIe SCSI cards cost as much (if not more) than 2nd hand E-MU EOS samplers......
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Postby robr » Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:33 pm

teknosmoker wrote:1. If I do not have an RFX card, will I experience any bugs/problems with EOS 4.7?

I use it without an RFX card (in both my E4XT & E6400 Ultra's) and have never had any problems. You can also modulate filter resonance via midi cc on 4.7, which is quite neat ( this was only possible at note on with the earlier os).

teknosmoker wrote:2. If I decide that EOS 4.7 is unusable is it possible (and easy) to revert back to EOS 4.61?

I think I did it ages ago, can't remember tbh, shouldn't be a problem tho. Put in the disk, start the Emu & it should load the os, just make sure you don't use flash prep.

teknosmoker wrote:Well, maybe not!! As the manual also confusingly states on page 8:

"Unfortunately the presets and samples cannot be edited or modified from your computer browser.

Just to clear up any confusion. You are able to copy, edit and transfer wavs between Mac/Pc and an Emu that is running 4.7.
I think what the manual is trying to say is that you cannot edit any of the banks or presets or samples within that bank you save to an EOSFAT disk.
You can however export samples on to a disk as wavs and then tranfer them back and forth.
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Postby teknosmoker » Wed Feb 27, 2008 12:17 am

robr - You've completely cleared up all confusion/questions that I had regarding sample transfer. I really appreciate your clear and concise response. :grin:

I've just purchased a 2nd hand USB Zip drive on eBay for my Mac Pro and am looking forward to brushing the dust off of my trusty old E6400 Ultra (God I miss that thing) to put it to good use again!! :mrgreen: I hadn't been able to use it since my old Dual 2 GB G5 (that had regular PCI slots and an Adaptec 39160) died.

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Postby mocheez » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:21 pm

well then, looks like sample export is a cool feature in 4.7 because 4.6 can export a sample, but only as a bank... Or individual aiff/wav but then only on floppy disk. So that doesn't help much in your case. (But in case you wanna go third-party app. CDXtract works nicely on Mac OSX.)
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