e6400 ultra: Panning - individual outs/ Truncate/ Undo-Redo

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e6400 ultra: Panning - individual outs/ Truncate/ Undo-Redo

Postby elprez » Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:43 pm

Hey everybody!

i recently bought an e6400 ultra because i missed using hardware somehow. Anyway, since i formerly used akais there are still a few things i don't really get with the emu.

1. the main out and the sub outs are stereo outputs. if i wanted to route mono instruments like kicks and snares to individual outs i guess i have to use panning, e.g. kick: main out pan -64 , snare: main out pan +64.

ok, done that. but still some rest of the signals seeps through. i don't have any fx running producing their own signals.

my question: do i have to waste output ressources now?

2. Truncate: i figured that you can't set the locator points and not truncate. either you truncate the sample or you don't and it is going to be played from start to end. on akai (at least upt to the s3000xl) it's possible to just set the locators and not truncate. this way you can make sure you don't cut what you may want to keep, you never know ...

3. my third and last question for the time being: I can't undo/redo though it is enabled - "no verified media" or something pops up. i have an iomega zip 100 connected via scsi. does it only work with hard disks? ... may be the case

thanx a lot for answering in advance,

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:12 pm

Postby Rascal Revenge » Sun Apr 20, 2008 6:15 pm

Hey elprez, and a welcome !

To your questions:

1. The way you did is the right one, by most extreme panning setting you should not hear anything from the other side. The Fx also come out at Main Output, I assume there still IS some FX applied, huh (Sub 1 thru 3 are dry, if you do the panning there, nothing should seep thru, right ??). Go to Master > Fx > Setup > and set > Effects Engine to Disabled. After doing this, there should be NO leaking of the other sounds panned opposite. Err, or you have a cheap mixerboard that leaks, LOL ;)

2. Yeah, this is cool, making several cuts from one sample without actually truncating it, was also possible on the Sequential Studio 440 (great machine btw.). Not possible with the Ultra, you had to copy/cut sample several times permanently. There's at least a workaround: Make several Zones in PRESET EDIT and place your sample there, go to Tuning, there is a Sample Offset Parameter, kinda simulation of what you wanted, at least regarding the Sample start, and also non-destructive. In addition you could set up a cord Vel> SStart +/- and chop thru the sample with this, I find especially the latter great.

3. Removable media-drives were not recommended for use with the Undo function. Well, and the Zip 100 is the very slowest of them all, a Syquest EZ-Drive or - flyer is more then twice as fast, a Jaz drive then even more faster. Just my personal opinion: If you love your samples/work get rid of the Zip 100, if you search this board you will realize why ('Click of Death' etc.). Undo / Redo works best with a real HD.

Rascal Revenge
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Postby elprez » Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:32 pm


Thanks for answering! everything works fine now!

big up
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:12 pm

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