WAV to EMU... What is the best/fastest way!?

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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WAV to EMU... What is the best/fastest way!?

Postby 5c4r7 » Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:03 pm

I have an E6400 Classic with EOS 4.6.2 and a E5000 with EOS 4.7

I have a Windows XP box with SCSI currently connected to the E6400. I also have a Macbook Pro running Leopard and WinXP. I have 3 SCSI zip Drives, a USB zip a few SCSI HD's a SCSI CDROM and all the current standard means of transferring files.

I recently acquired a large amount of sampled drum kits as 16bit 44.1 WAV files. What I would like to know is, what is the fastest way I could import and assign these sounds in either of my EOS samplers? Preferably I would like to do it on the Mac (but if I must go the XP route, so be it) and if possible, in the end I would like to save it as Emax II files (as I also have an Emax II).

I have Translator for Windows, MidiQuest for both Mac and PC, CDXtract for OS X, and I have tried the demo for Zoeos.

What is the fastest way I could allocate each drum kit as it's own preset with each sound file assigned to a separate key starting from C-1 and going up the keyboard.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Postby kalide » Fri Aug 01, 2008 1:37 pm

For this I use Recycle or Wavesurgeon to automap the samples via SCSI.

Basically I have my kits all as single wave files with gaps in between each hit on my PC/Mac and then I dump them down as a mapped kit automaticaly into the Sampler. In The above apps you set the threshold to detect the sample "gaps" start and then edit the start positions if needed if the auto detection of the drum hit samples start in the wave file does not quite latch (e.g. for a long attack sound).

What I like about this is once I've created a kit as a big chunky wave file (e.g. taking radio snippets, glitches, kicks, snares, effecting a section, compressing some, truncating, disco stabs and all sorts of nonsense), I can edit it as a single file to the max in Soundforge/Recycle/Wavelab/Alchemy whatever, then dump it straight into the sampler in about 1 minute over SCSI and use it immediately - very refreshing technique. With Zeos you can then edit the preset also via the PC to create some very strange and interesting drum kits indeed. This can also be done for basses, speach, phonems, slices of filthy phone taps ;-) you name it - anything that inspires.

In terms of your use case:

Since the Macbook SCSI is still a bit hit and miss and you have XP, I'd use this on XP. The OLDER Recycle 2.0 is what you need and you can still get it off propellerheads- you buy the latest version and then request the previous version online. I've done it, and they are pretty responsive. Wavesurgeon is also fine (as is Mobius) but its slightly more touchy about the SCSI connection (you need to ignore some of the errors that pop up when using XP SP2 since its not been updated since about 2003). Its from Squarecircle software.

The other alternative is to use the FAT32 import on the E5000, create a preset with say loads of individual samples assigned to each key already in the Emu, then by a file copy/replace each individual sample in the preset with your sliced up kit file. More tedious, but could be automated too i.e. kind of a "copy over" the "dummy" samples in the kit.

When I finally get around to adding my removable IDE drives to the EMU, I'm going to experiment with some batch processes to do this to allow sample mapping to a predefined preset template so sound "maps" can be created. Translator can also do this with their GUI - edit the samples straight up.

To get them back to the E6400 - perhaps a SCSI-SCSI transfer or more easily a simple "Save" onto an EOS format ZIP and then load it that way.

Of course you'll still need to edit the preset parameters, filter mapping, cords etc, as normal.

Make sense ?

M :mrgreen: 8-) 8-)

P.S. What I want to see now is Zeos allowing offline editing of patches..come you ye open source java dudes....! :slayer:
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Postby 5c4r7 » Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:12 pm

Thanks Kalide!

Yep, most of that makes sense. I actually have a copy of Recycle that I got back when I used to work at a music store so, I'll give that a try as well.

I'll let you know how it goes.
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WAV on PC to EMU

Postby filterfreq » Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:44 pm

took me a long time to work my way out....here it is...

a way to burn a cd rom from the PC to the EMU .

i have to do it in this order >>on my machines! <<<

make wav files of desired choices
create a kontakt sample bank using these wav's
then use translator to convert kontackt.nki to an EOS file

make an emu virtual bank ( large enough to hold the
samples < i think this is where i was going wrong for so long?? ....so i
set this very high now)

drag the EOS file onto the virtual drive.

burn the virtual drive and done!! but...my PC doesnt like to burn .IMG files
(asi dont have a clean version of nero )

so i copy the virtual drive to linux Ubuntu and burn the img file using
brasero cd burn prog. ,, nero on XP might work,??

o.k sounds a little extream but to use a mouse and build a
nice bank on the PC and convert to an emu EOS would save
time if you do allot of sampling and love the sound of an
emulator sampler as we do of course.

using eos link would make life so much nicer and cooler for me and my Emu

filterfreq :) 8-)
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Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:04 am

Postby aerodrink » Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:34 pm

For me the fastest way to get a wav on the e-mu is by using SoundForge + SCSI connection. In a single click you get the sample into the e-mu plus you can assign each sample number to load to from the SoundForge upload window :thumbs:

Hope it helps !

My config : e6400 Ultra / EOS 4.7 / Adaptec 2906
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Postby filterfreq » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:18 pm

cool i dream of the day when i can do it that quick.
Posts: 36
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2007 12:04 am

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