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Making SCSI cable

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:08 pm
by maky357
I found a person which will make one for me. However i am not sure what to tell? One one side 25 pin and on other Centronics 50. But at this site:

There is SCSI Centronics 50 pin (Differential) pinout and SCSI Centronics 50 pin (Single-ended) pinout ?! Which one is for e64k ?

Thanks :slayer:

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:51 am
by kalide
Seriously, you would be better off buying such a cable from ebay for about $2 or new from amazon for about $15.

e.g. EXAMPLES ONLY - search for your specific cable. ... 855&sr=8-1 ... 35&sr=8-18


some are even $5.

Making one is a royal pain, and you're likely to have either shielding issues, impedance mismatches, dry solder joints and then you'll be spending time debugging apparent data transfer errors, scsi errors.

Remember - each active line has to be paired with a symmetric ground, each line has to be the same length, and each data line has to be a twisted pair inside the shielding - i.e. not just long lines next to each other, but each active line wrapped with a ground wire, and all done nicely so there's no coupling and cross talk across data lines.....usually best handled by a machine that winds cables and can do solder flows for even welds of each wire to the connector. Your solder joints need to be top notch too - the same impedance for each connection to ensure no signal reflections.

Anyway, my 2c worth - good luck with it either way!