I've having a go at making a custom rom for the Proteus, from the Ultra 6400 (os 4.61).
On my first attempt, I made a small custom bank of presets, some using the same samples and some using different samples. The presets containing different samples came out sounding different, when transferred to the Proteus. I don't mean preset parameter problem, but more a case of some samples make it while others appear not to.
One preset containing 3 different samples ended up sounding like only one sample had made it !
While another, also containing 3 samples, made it across as expected.
On loading the simm back into the Ultra, to see what was happening, all presets sounded exactly right.
Has anyone had a similar experience, or can offer advice, what to watch out for ?
Just found out that one of the presets I'm using (originally from an Orbit/Phatt rom that I copied) and didn't make it successfully, is an E4R bank. Now, as these banks permanently point to X/Y samples, is this why it hasn't worked and
is there any way to work around this ?
OK, I'm loading the samples from the E4R presets, then re-assigning the X (which they default to) to the S in the preset.
I'm hoping that this way it should transfer successfully.