Total Loading time question for Emu Ultras

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Total Loading time question for Emu Ultras

Postby ckett » Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:44 pm


I was wondering how long it takes to load a full 128Mb worth of samples on an EMU Ultra sampler from an internal EIDE hardrive.

If I remember doing this a few years ago it took about 2 minutes???
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Re: Total Loading time question for Emu Ultras

Postby arkieboy » Fri Jul 24, 2009 9:02 pm

My EMu E5000 Ultra with EOS 4.7, internal IDE drive and SCSI CDROM and Jaz connected takes 1 minute and 36 seconds to boot and load 102mb of samples. It takes about 20s to boot to show the sample load screen... so I would think comfortably less than 2 mins.

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Re: Total Loading time question for Emu Ultras

Postby VDS » Fri Jul 24, 2009 10:57 pm

There are two important issues, which make loading/saving, faster or slower!

1. how many samples (many short samples->faster, but it is depending on Point 2.)
2. which file system is used (EOS File System->faster)

The "old" EOS File System has the advantage to save/load faster, because this File System divide every Drive into 1024 CLUSTERS!

For example:

1GB Hard Drive -> each cluster is about 1MB
4GB Hard Drive -> 4MB
8GB Hard Drive -> 8MB
15GB Drive -> 16MB

So, if you have an 8GB HD and you want to save a Bank as close to 8MB (but not over!), it is perfect. ONE CLUSTER to save/load!
BUT if you have the same HD and you want to save a Bank, for example with 9MB, it will be saved as 16MB. AND this means 2 CLUSTERS!
This takes more time AND the Drive need far more space than realy used!!!!!
OR your Bank has only 2MB. But it will saved as an 8MB Bank!

The solution is to optimize the bank sizes!

Hope this is helpfull!

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Re: Total Loading time question for Emu Ultras

Postby ckett » Fri Jul 24, 2009 11:26 pm


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