E4K 6902 Will not Power Up

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E4K 6902 Will not Power Up

Postby midipuppies » Sun Aug 02, 2009 3:02 am

Hey everyone, I just picked up an E4K Turbo Keys model 6902. When I turn it on, the dispaly goes solid dark and all panel lights remain solidly lit. Nothing else happens. I noticed that the floppy does not engage or light up at all- same for the internal SCSI drive. No sounds of anything starting up whatsoever.
Fuse is good in power supply, and all boards and ram are seated firmly.
Show me the knowledge!
Thanks, Jay
Jason Tonks
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Re: E4K 6902 Will not Power Up

Postby qwertz123 » Thu Aug 27, 2009 3:20 pm

Hi !
I have had exactly the same problem with an used E5000 Ultra from Ebay. I was informed it was defunct from the start, and I got it for a very low sum.
It could be turned on, but only all lights went on, the display remained dark. When turned off, a black line could be seen on the display for some seconds, so the display seemed OK too, and the internal power adapter delivered all correct voltages - this was checked too. RAM modules and Flash ROM were also not defect, but my sampler could not be started from floppy, and I could not
start an OS update.
Finally I send it to an official EMU repair center in germany, and all they could offer was an exchange of the mainboard. The repair was way too much for my budget, so I
got it back unrepaired.
Another electronics expert looked after it when I got it back. He told me most likely the EMU main chip/IC was not ok, because it got very hot after a few minutes.
But this remains a guess, as EMU does not give any circuit-board layout plans to any user.

This is all I know about my EMU 5000, which I will use as a spare part from now on. The "only" defective part is the mainboard here.

For your sampler , I would only recommend to try to boot from an OS-flash-prep floppy disk, pressing the ENTER button when turning the unit on.

- I had searched the forum for my problem, and had read about simular complaints here, I think one person with same symptoms had only an defect Flash Rom, but my modules were swapped with parts from an working EMU 5000, and still no reaction.
If you try to swap flash modules too - be warned:
My defect sampler overwrote one previously fine working flash module, so that when I mounted it again in the other working machine, that this sampler would not boot up any more too.
But this could be fixed with re-flashing the operating system from floppy on this EMU.

Apart from the flash rom issue I found no other person in internet that could fix "our" -lights on but nobody home- problem successfully.

Sorry I cannot write nicer words here, Volker
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Aug 27, 2009 2:58 pm

Re: E4K 6902 Will not Power Up

Postby rtype909 » Mon May 14, 2012 6:45 pm

Another electronics expert looked after it when I got it back. He told me most likely the EMU main chip/IC was not ok, because it got very hot after a few minutes.

I think this is the 'key' sign. I have tested everything on my faulty e5000 against a working unit (floppy drive, PSU, dram, dimm, ram etc)

I wonder if there is a way to cool the Emu 8000 chip/ic to get it to work.

I did not notice this unit (inherited) was very dusty
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