Loading WAV sample from CD?

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby Thinkingbeat » Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:55 pm

I just got an E4XT and am trying to figure out how to load samples from floppy or CD. Here are my basic questions:

1. I have a CD with WAV samples, and although I was able to Mount a SCSI CD drive, it showed no samples available. :cry: What would is required to read WAV samples from CD? Does the CD need a special format?

2. There is a floppy drive, and the EOS manual states that if the floppy drive can load WAV samples if the floppy is formatted to Emu's unique spec. However, how the heck would I take a WAV sample from my laptop (Windows XP) and get it onto an E-mu-formatted floppy? Is there some sort of conversion program to enable transfer from Windows XP or CD into E-mu speak?

Please consider that I am not using any sort of computer program for sequencing, sampling, editing, etc. Hardware-only, except for the occasional file transfer.

Many thanks!
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Re: Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby kalide » Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:22 pm

EOS 4.7 can read wave files - you will need that OS, otherwise a tool like chickensys translator (which is not quite what I would call a stable tool) can be used.

"EOS 4.7 Manual Addendum"

is the manual that explains it.

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Re: Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby Thinkingbeat » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:15 pm

Good tip. I'm on EOS 4.02 - what's the best upgrade path to get to 4.7?
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Re: Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby kalide » Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:36 pm

See the sticky note on this forum on upgrades....
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Re: Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby Thinkingbeat » Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:58 pm

Good tip on the OS upgrade sticky - thanks.

My machine is not an Ultra, so looks like FAT support is not doable?
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Re: Loading WAV sample from CD?

Postby kalide » Mon Sep 07, 2009 11:28 pm

try the free version of Translator if you have a PC to convert Wave to an E4B Bank format EIV

there's also this:


Or you can go the SCSI route using some of the above tools, or Propellerheads

If you are on a mac like me, you are in a more difficult circumstance - SCSI isn't going to work well on newer Intel machines apart from the more obscure USB-SCSI devices from Castlewood which are no longer made....

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