E-synth rom upload

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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E-synth rom upload

Postby razo » Sun Apr 11, 2010 10:21 am

Would it be a violation of copyrights to upload the E-synth rom as an E4 bank in the files area? (considering its out 8 years of production) And would it even be possible replicate the e-synth rom as an E4 ram bank?
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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby mosrob » Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:49 am

Hm, I would like to have content of the E-Synth Rom ...
But of course, this would be a violation of Emu Systems Copyright.

If you have one of these ROMs?
- Did you ever try to copy the samples to the RAM in a whole or one by one?
- Did you ever try to export the rom-samples to seperate banks or read'em out via SMDI?

If you have a ROM and you try the above mentioned procedure, you have to place the samples on the same position in the RAM as they are in the ROM.
E.g. X867 -> S867
Then you have to modify all sample-assignments in the Presets ...
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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby razo » Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:52 pm


I have the Orbit/Phat ROM; and it is possible to make a ram banks out of it, like you say. Another thing is; wouldn't it actually be prefferable to make RAM banks of the Sound ROMs's on emight have (as having a ROM installed limits max ram memory to 64MB)? Making a ram copy one could still have all 128MB available..

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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby mosrob » Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:34 pm

The idea behind the ROMs is to have the sounds available immediately after switching the E4 on.
The ROM & Flash-RAM expansions where a good idea, especially when you are on Tour.

1. You are on stage and because of an electrical power failure everything is suddenly switched off and you have to reload and reconfigure everything when electrical power is back again ...
2. Everything you need for your performance is stored on a HD (inside or outside the E4). Suddenly your HD is not working anymore (e.g. electrical/mechanical damage) or is not available somehow (e.g. loose contact of data cable or just stolen by anybody). A backup of the HD-content is far away in your studio. What could you do?

In this cases the ROM & Flash-RAM would cause you less headache...
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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby razo » Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:26 am

Yes, I see the point there.
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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby shaolinian » Tue May 04, 2010 3:05 pm

Greetings dopest forum ever!
I will today be the proud owner of an e4xt and i'm giddy . . my bird is in flight about 20 minutes East of me now .. been grinding on this forum for a week now . .dig all the info and personalities . .my instructors . .MFP, ezman, illinformed, ehasting and snh, and everyone else . .i've enjoyed all the time spent learning in anticipation here!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I have a question or two concerning the editing of these Flash ROMS that come in command stations vs. the available blank Flash ROM...

1. Can a ROM from a command station, i.e. MP7 Phatt ROM, be put in sampler, then bank-loaded, preset-edited (perhaps delete some nevergonnause presets and replace with other presets), and re-loaded back onto the MP7 ROM? or is this exclusive to the separate Flash ROM 16 or 32 module only ..

2. If above is possible, can you choose to only copy/modify one of the two 16mb banks on the(32mb) card, leaving the other intact?

it seems according to the manual, that if this were possible that you would have to work on the "bank" level, one at a time, instead of being able to delete and replace individual presets within a bank?? .. . anyone with some experience doing this kind of editing?? Thanks!

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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby mosrob » Wed May 05, 2010 8:20 am

The ROMs are a closed system. You cannot modify any data on this type of memory. They are not rewriteable.
The SIMMs you call Flash ROM are Flash RAM. Flash RAM is of course rewriteable, but only with the ULTRA series.
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Re: E-synth rom upload

Postby shaolinian » Wed May 05, 2010 2:08 pm

Right. I don't know why I was mashing up RAM/ROM as one in my brain or something . . or thinking MP had RAM. . duh . . . .had been up toooo late apparently. .thanks for reply!
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