USB Floppy Drive Emulator

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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USB Floppy Drive Emulator

Postby kalide » Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:27 am

Interesting development

For older samplers with no expansion, especially useful. Less so for Ultras etc but pretty cool nontheless.

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Re: USB Floppy Drive Emulator

Postby russ » Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:12 pm

I have emailed these guys enquiring about getting one for an esi4000, this was their reply:


The SD HxC Floppy disk emulator should work with this sampler.

Do you some Emu ESI4000 floppy disk ?
If yes try to dump/read some of them with the sd hxc tool and send me 1 or 2
disk image: ...
User manual: ... Manual.pdf

Best Regards,
Jean-François DEL NERO

At the moment I use a CF card reader in place of the floppy so I cant send him the info(no cf on my computer),
can anybody send me images or post them up here?
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Re: USB Floppy Drive Emulator

Postby kalide » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:23 am

Keep in mind its still a floppy drive - so limited to a disk image structure, versus a hard drive - important if you have ESI 32 with 32M of RAM etc.

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Re: USB Floppy Drive Emulator

Postby russ » Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:44 am

Keep in mind its still a floppy drive - so limited to a disk image structure, versus a hard drive - important if you have ESI 32 with 32M of RAM etc.

Excuse the ignorance but what does this mean?
how will it function differently from a hard drive?

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Re: USB Floppy Drive Emulator

Postby mosrob » Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:25 am

The supported floppy disc size of EOS and also of ESi Operating system is 1.44 MB.
This floppy drive emulator will emulate a floppy disc drive with a floppy disc of a capacity of 1.44MB to direction of the device, connected to the floppy drive socket.
The SD-card of any size will be logically seperated into 1.44MB slices.
The "floppy disc" or let's better say "the slice" to be used has to be selected on this floppy emulation board.
With a 2GB SD-Card you will have approx. 1,456,356 ( one point four million) floppy discs to switch between.
(:thinking:) Ahhh .... on which floopy number was this cool sound I'm currently looking for ...??? Floopy #4711 or was it #23,456 ?? I can't really remember .... uhhh ...

What about this?
The SCSI Emulator allows CF Cards up to 16GB to attach to the SCSI bus. It is seen as a SCSI drive by the host. SCSI Drive emulations include SASI, SCSI-1, or SCSI-2 drives, Magneto Optic ( Fujitsu, Ricoh) ZIP / JAZ, QIC Tape, Bernoulli, Rosemount Tape and Disk, IBM 3590, The SCSIBRIGE can be programmed to emulate any SCSI device fixed or removable products, and can be programmed to suit the host systems requirement. The CFSCSI product has also been modified to emulate ½” (half inch) PERTEC interface tape drive.

This sounds as you can get a SCSI CF-Card drive that able for hot-swapping as Magneto Optic, ZIP & JAZ-drives are all removable media drives ...
As this is a solution for the producing industry the price is 750.00 GBP. If someone is interested in this drive and can afford this price, you are welcome to contact the guys at
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