Hi all.
I have my heart set on buying a e5000 but am completely miffed about the fact that they only have 4 mono outs. it seems impossible to find any upgraded e5000s for sale or any upgrade cards which I could fit myself.
I know this is going to sound stupid but I cant stand the blue screens on the e6400s I personally much prefer the more natural green screens on the e5000s that's why I want one, but the channels! I cant bring myself to use up 3U of rack space for just 4 channels. . .I would rather buy another esi 4000 that's only 2U and would put out 8 channels! and it has a green screen.
So I was thinking, rather than waiting decades for an upgraded e5000 to appear, to get the extra channels couldn't I just swap out the screen on the e6400 for an e5000s screen? Is this easy enough to do?
My PC has a zip drive so I can easily write wav files to a zip disk, can either of e5000 or e6400 read .wav? this being the case could I use one of these samplers to convert .wav files to eos so my esi can read them? (rather than using chicken systems etc.)
ni cad