What's the filter architecture? voices & groups

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What's the filter architecture? voices & groups

Postby patmaddox » Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:42 am

Hi, I'm trying to understand the preset & filter architecture of my emu e4xt ultra. A voice can have its own filter and filter envelope. It looks like groups can, too. When I create a filter on a voice, and then another filter for the group that that voice is assigned to, it sounds like the filters are interacting. For example if I have two voices and I set voice A to have a high-pass filter, and set group G1 (containing both voices) to have a low-pass filter, then adjusting the low-pass filter on G1 changes the timber of voice A...it's still high-passed, but I'm getting more low frequencies. Voice B definitely sounds low-passed.

Now what confused me...if I change the filter type on G1, then it sounds like I lose the filter settings I made to voice A. So changing G1's filter type will make voice A sound just like voice B...both filtered the same.

Can a voice have a filter and filter settings separate from its group? I didn't see anything in the manual showing the architecture...whether the voice filter output goes to the group filter or not. The fact that the timber changes so much when I switch to a different filter type and back suggests that the original behavior I found is actually a bug...that you can apply a filter to a voice or to its group, but both isn't really supported.

Can anyone clear this up for me? Thanks
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Re: What's the filter architecture? voices & groups

Postby mosrob » Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:23 am

The things you wrote in the first passage would mean that a group is something like a Supervoice or Mastervoice where the result of each voice that is assigned to this group is somehow mixed together and additional modifications like to a single voice can be applied to this mix. This view is wrong.

Your E4 has the same amount of filters as it has voices.
Each voice have its own settings for sample, envelope, volume, filter, LFO, Cords, etc.

Editing a Group makes it easier to assign the same settings to a higher amount of voices.
Changing settings for a group of voices (Edit Group) at a time changes the settings in each voice at is assigned to that group. Editing a Group means that you make a changes to all voices of that group and overwrite current settings of each voice with new values.
If you modify the settings of a voice (Edit Voice) that has an assignment to a group afterwards, just the settings for this voice change.
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Re: What's the filter architecture? voices & groups

Postby JAHFUNK » Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:20 pm

Well put mosrob
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