n00b - Upgrade question

For everything about the EMU sampler EXCEPT preset and cord creations.

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n00b - Upgrade question

Postby SHOX » Thu Apr 22, 2004 9:32 am

EZ all, n00b around here i'm afraid.

What i want to know is if there is anywhere you can pick up hardware upgrades for my e6400ultra?

Im interested in getting mine set up with a ASCII keyboard (i believe that is the midi board??)

also does anyone use the emu roms? any opinions?

cheers :thumbs:
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Location: cb1

Postby Silverman2 » Thu Apr 22, 2004 2:38 pm

Yeah that's the midi board, as well as digital i/o and asci keyboard.

I also own a command station with 2 roms, which work with the emu. I basically stuck the roms in the sampler loaded the rom banks and saved to disk and returned roms to command station. They are all a nice compact size (obviously) and easy to audition from disk using sound sprint.
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