"Will ZoeOS support the RFX?
Right now you can select RFX busses in the multimode from ZoeOS and also select the RFX external inputs in the ZoeOS preset editors for internal processing of external signals.
More broadly, the answer to this question is undetermined. E-MU have not published any SysEx specification to remotely control the RFX. We have requested such specification, but the response was that it doesn't exist. If enough people petition E-MU they might publish. As far as we can tell some initial work was done on an expanded SysEx specification, so prehaps there is already something written that could be used by the community?
Having said that, sales of the RFX were dissapointing for E-MU and they will be somewhat disposed with the Emulator X, so don't expect anything soon."
I am no more interested in buying ZOEOS now... Can't you do a miracle and pay one of the developpers of the RFX sysex to work with you ?
I know there are some bugs with the RFX, but from the moment users CREATE their presets, it works (and it is not a miracle but exp?).
Emulator X could be a great solution if it had a dedicated VGA output (and why not S-video). I think anyone's goal buying a double output graphic card is not to dedicate it to EMULATOR X graphic interface OR ZOEOS, but to dedicate it to the sequencer mixer.
So maybe we'll have to buy a 3 outputs card to make it very professional but i think the graphic stability could decrease the stability of windows itself...
Has anyone tried such a configuration ? 3 outputs graphic card : 2 for logic or cubase and 1 for Emulator X or ZOEOS ????
